[1.1.53] Disk Writes is very high on main menu

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[1.1.53] Disk Writes is very high on main menu

Post by PLLovervoltage »

I created a script on my PC when my disk writes go above a certain rate for a sustained period because unknowingly I had chrome eat 20% of my disk remaining life over a single year just becuse I left on twitch streams (which is either a problem w/ twitch or chrome).

I haven't played factorio in a year so when I turned it on in a long time but left it on the menu screen for a few min it was triggering my script. And factorio at the menu screen was writing at a rate of over 40gb a day.

Honestly, noones going to sit at the menu screen for a prolonged period of time which is why I didnt post this under bugs. Also, for the record I'm not worried about ssd lifespan even considering the excessive usage becuz I'm going to retire the drive for performance/space reasons before it's dead.

However, it's still disconcerting that leaving factorio at the menu screen is writing at a rate of over 40gb/day just for the animations? (which is double the writes for watching twitch streams for a 8hrs a day)
factorio disk usage.PNG
factorio disk usage.PNG (155.73 KiB) Viewed 2672 times
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Re: [1.1.53] Disk Writes is very high on main menu

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. I've fixed 2 of the main causes of this for the next release so it should be drastically less disk writes.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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