Base mod provides a create_spidertron() function with optional arguments for scaling the spidertron. I've noticed that this doesn't fully scale the spidertrons lights so I've created some modifications to complete the scaling of these.
Here's what it looks like before and after applying my suggested fixes. Note that for these pictures I've removed the spidertron's ambient light (which is already scaled correctly) so that the incorrect eye_lights (as defined by light_positions) are emphasised.
spidertron_torso_graphics_set()Code: Select all
light =
minimum_darkness = 0.3,
intensity = 0.4,
size = 25 * spidertron_scale,
color = {r=1.0, g=1.0, b=1.0}
create_spidertron_light_cone(0, 1, 1 , -1),
create_spidertron_light_cone(-0.05, 0.7, 0.7 , 2.5),
create_spidertron_light_cone(0.04, 0.5, 0.45 , 5.5),
create_spidertron_light_cone(0.06, 0.6, 0.35 , 6.5)
light_positions = require("__base__/prototypes/entity/spidertron-light-positions"),
eye_light = {intensity = 1, size = 1, color = {r=1.0, g=1.0, b=1.0}},-- {r=1.0, g=0.0, b=0.0}},
Code: Select all
local function create_spidertron_light_cone(orientation, intensity, size, shift_adder)
local shift = { x = 0, y = -14 + shift_adder}
type = "oriented",
minimum_darkness = 0.3,
picture =
filename = "__core__/graphics/light-cone.png",
priority = "extra-high",
flags = { "light" },
scale = 2,
width = 200,
height = 200
source_orientation_offset = orientation,
--add_perspective = true,
shift = shift,
size = 2 * size,
intensity = 0.6 * intensity, --0.6
color = {r = 0.92, g = 0.77, b = 0.3}
spidertron_torso_graphics_set()Code: Select all
light =
minimum_darkness = 0.3,
intensity = 0.4,
size = 25 * spidertron_scale,
color = {r=1.0, g=1.0, b=1.0}
create_spidertron_light_cone(0, 1, 1 , -1, spidertron_scale),
create_spidertron_light_cone(-0.05, 0.7, 0.7 , 2.5, spidertron_scale),
create_spidertron_light_cone(0.04, 0.5, 0.45 , 5.5, spidertron_scale),
create_spidertron_light_cone(0.06, 0.6, 0.35 , 6.5, spidertron_scale)
light_positions = scale_light_positions(require("__base__/prototypes/entity/spidertron-light-positions"), spidertron_scale),
eye_light = {intensity = 1, size = 1 * spidertron_scale, color = {r=1.0, g=1.0, b=1.0}},-- {r=1.0, g=0.0, b=0.0}},
Code: Select all
local function scale_light_positions(positions, scale)
local new_positions = {}
for index, position_list in pairs(positions) do
new_positions[index] = {}
for index2, position in pairs(position_list) do
local new_position = {position[1] * scale, position[2] * scale}
new_positions[index][index2] = new_position
return new_positions
Code: Select all
local function create_spidertron_light_cone(orientation, intensity, size, shift_adder, scale)
local shift = { x = 0, y = (-14 + shift_adder) * scale}
type = "oriented",
minimum_darkness = 0.3,
picture =
filename = "__core__/graphics/light-cone.png",
priority = "extra-high",
flags = { "light" },
scale = 2,
width = 200,
height = 200
source_orientation_offset = orientation,
--add_perspective = true,
shift = shift,
size = 2 * size * scale,
intensity = 0.6 * intensity, --0.6
color = {r = 0.92, g = 0.77, b = 0.3}