I can confirm the property is filled, but doesn't apply to the surface.

my code just in case:
Code: Select all
local deep_oil = table.deepcopy(data.raw["resource"]["crude-oil"])
deep_oil.name = "deep_oil"
deep_oil.infinite_depletion_amount = 40
deep_oil.autoplace = nil
deep_oil.collision_mask = {'object-layer'}
deep_oil.stages = {
sheet = {
filename = "__cargo-ships__/graphics/entity/crude-oil/water-crude-oil.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 74,
height = 60,
frame_count = 4,
variation_count = 1,
shift = util.by_pixel(0, -2),
hr_version =
filename = "__cargo-ships__/graphics/entity/crude-oil/hr-water-crude-oil.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 148,
height = 120,
frame_count = 4,
variation_count = 1,
shift = util.by_pixel(0, -2),
scale = 0.5
deep_oil.water_reflection = {
pictures = {
sheet = {
filename = "__cargo-ships__/graphics/entity/crude-oil/hr-water-crude-oil-water-reflection.png",
width = 22,
height = 24,
--shift = util.by_pixel(0, 5),
variation_count = 1,
repeat_count = 4,
scale = 5,
rotate = false,
orientation_to_variation = false
Resource has the property listed in the wiki