[Klonan] [1.1.41] "Death" and "Game paused" notice together look bad

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[Klonan] [1.1.41] "Death" and "Game paused" notice together look bad

Post by KeepResearchinSpoons »

fat boi made gui go brr
what happens:
fat boi

what was expected:
text stays the same place (does not flip)
the outer border may go as it pleases
the inner border follows suite and goes as the same way the outer border pleases to go.

/sc game.player.character.die()
press shift-space (pause game hotkey) (or go gui way)

Not that I care about the nuke (it is gone).
Not that I care about the pause (it does not really work with rcon, with map load etc. just a cosmetic by now, you know).
Not that I care abouth "me died" (this is just a game, I have my respawns plenty; and I can't overload the toast with mine of a "random noob message" anyways).
But a bug. Something baked not too well. It tickles me.

Feel free to triage is to any kind you like, for the "use case" is prob a rare one. <<Will probly fix it maybe but only just after that soon[tm] feature lands with major release>> is fine, no rush, no crash, no segfault.
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Re: [Klonan] [1.1.41] "Death" and "Game paused" notice together look bad

Post by Klonan »

Thanks for the report,

It is fixed for the next release:
factorio-run_2021-10-05_15-20-34.png (63.22 KiB) Viewed 3393 times
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