[0.12.19] [kovarex] Roboport tooltip bugs

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[0.12.19] [kovarex] Roboport tooltip bugs

Post by DaveMcW »

The roboport tooltips look like this:
roboport-tooltip.jpg (43.3 KiB) Viewed 6959 times
The energy consumption of the personal roboport is simply wrong. And they should be standardized to show the same information.

Expected result:

Supply area: 50x50
Construction area: 100X100
Max health: 500
Energy consumption: 200 kW
Robot recharge rate: 4 X 200 kW
Internal buffer recharge rate: 2.0 MW

Personal roboport
Can be inserted into armor. Allows to launch construction robots.
Dimensions: 2X2
Construction area: 30X30
Energy consumption: 4 kW
Robot recharge rate: 2 X 200 kW
Internal buffer recharge rate: 700 kW
Robot limit: 10
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Re: [0.12.19] Roboport tooltip bugs

Post by pyrolytic_tungsten »

I agree that the personal roboport tooltip should be made consistent with the roboport tooltip.
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Re: [0.12.19] [kovarex] Roboport tooltip bugs

Post by kovarex »

Thx for the report, the info was unified.

Also, yes there was an error, as the calculation faulty multiplied the max supported amount of robopts per roboport in the network(10) by the charging consumption, while it should have used the maximum amount of robots recharging at the same time per roboport(2).
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