[0.12.8][Twinsen]Crash on loading save files older than 0.11

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 9
Joined: Fri Sep 18, 2015 7:09 pm

[0.12.8][Twinsen]Crash on loading save files older than 0.11

Post by teatime »

By selecting a save file which has a version number older than 0.11 (created prior to 0.12) will cause the game to crash with an unexpected error.
56.292 Loading map
56.375 Info Scenario.cpp:160: Map version 0.9.8-0
56.379 Info PrototypeMigrationList.cpp:99: Activating migration base/2014-10-22_Factorio_0.11.0.json
56.380 Info PrototypeMigrationList.cpp:99: Activating migration base/2015-06-01_Factorio_0.12.0.json
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
c:\temp\factorio-e810c750\libraries\stackwalker\stackwalker.cpp (923): StackWalker::ShowCallstack
c:\temp\factorio-e810c750\src\util\logger.cpp (283): Logger::writeStacktrace
c:\temp\factorio-e810c750\src\util\logger.cpp (337): Logger::logStacktrace
c:\temp\factorio-e810c750\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (81): CrashHandler::writeStackTrace
c:\temp\factorio-e810c750\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (90): CrashHandler::SehHandler
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 0000000076C8C9CF)
0000000076C8C9CF (kernel32): (filename not available): UnhandledExceptionFilter
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 0000000076E48120)
0000000076E48120 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlCharToInteger
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 0000000076E095A4)
0000000076E095A4 (ntdll): (filename not available): _C_specific_handler
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 0000000076E05B4D)
0000000076E05B4D (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlIntegerToChar
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 0000000076E09947)
0000000076E09947 (ntdll): (filename not available): _C_specific_handler
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 0000000076E16C78)
0000000076E16C78 (ntdll): (filename not available): KiUserExceptionDispatcher
c:\temp\factorio-e810c750\src\map\map.cpp (648): Map::setupEntities
c:\temp\factorio-e810c750\src\scenario\scenario.cpp (221): Scenario::loadFactory
c:\temp\factorio-e810c750\src\scenario\parallelscenarioloader.cpp (66): ParallelScenarioLoader::doLoad
c:\boost_1_58_0\boost\thread\detail\thread.hpp (117): boost::detail::thread_data<boost::_bi::bind_t<void,void (__cdecl*)(ParallelScenarioLoader * __ptr64,MapDeserialiser * __ptr64,enum InputType,InputHandler * __ptr64,MultiplayerManager * __ptr64,bool),boost::_bi::list6<boost::_bi::value<ParallelScenarioLoader * __ptr64>,boost::_bi::value<MapDeserialiser * __ptr64>,boost::_bi::value<enum InputType>,boost::_bi::value<InputHandler * __ptr64>,boost::_bi::value<MultiplayerManager * __ptr64>,boost::_bi::value<bool> > > >::run
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000013FA06BD3)
000000013FA06BD3 (Factorio): (filename not available): boost::`anonymous namespace'::thread_start_function
f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\startup\threadex.c (376): _callthreadstartex
f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\startup\threadex.c (354): _threadstartex
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 0000000076BEBE3D)
0000000076BEBE3D (kernel32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 0000000076DF6A51)
0000000076DF6A51 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
58.508 Error Util.cpp:46: Unexpected error occurred. You can help us to solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
Have a nice tea!

Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
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Re: [0.12.8] Crash on loading save files older than 0.11

Post by Yttrium »

I loaded an old the other day using 12.8 and I didn't crash, Im using windows 8.

Factorio Staff
Factorio Staff
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Re: [0.12.8][Twinsen]Crash on loading save files older than 0.11

Post by Twinsen »

I am able to reproduce it, but can you also upload a small savegame that crashes for you?

Factorio Staff
Factorio Staff
Posts: 1331
Joined: Tue Sep 23, 2014 7:10 am

Re: [0.12.8][Twinsen]Crash on loading save files older than 0.11

Post by Twinsen »

Fixed for 0.12.9

Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 9
Joined: Fri Sep 18, 2015 7:09 pm

Re: [0.12.8][Twinsen]Crash on loading save files older than 0.11

Post by teatime »

Here is the link in case you want to test it on a sample save game: https://www.transferbigfiles.com/672b72 ... iqav09PVQ2
Have a nice tea!

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