Name: CircuitGUI
Description: Show GUI messages, controlled via the circuit network.
License: MIT License (
Version: 0.0.1
Release: 2015-07-23
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.1
Category: Helper
Tags: Circuit, GUI
Download-Url: ... tag/v0.1.0
Circuit GUI adds a special lamp that can print messages to your GUI. Using this alongside combinators and smart-chests you can set up your own resource monitors or anything else you can think up.
Walk up to a smart lamp and it's interface will appear. You can enter any text into the text field and that will appear whenever the lamp is switched on via the circuit network. The text you enter also accepts some tokens:
Code: Select all
$A is replaced with the first signal name
$B is replaced with the second signal name
$C is replaced with the comparitor (<, =, >)
$T is replaced with play time.
$D is replaced with in-game day time.
$E is replaced with the evolution factor.
$P is replaced with the pollution near the lamp.
$L is replaced with the location of the lamp.
$S is replaced with the current game speed.
$R is replaced with the current research progress.
{item-name} is replaced with an item count. It counts inside all smart-chests within a 2 tile radius.