[posila] [1.1.1] Crash selecting new contents for blueprint: TransportBeltConnectable::drawStartingPiece
Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 3:49 pm
Mods used
Observed behavior: Game crashes when re-opening blueprint.
- Base Mod v1.1.1
- Creative Mod v1.7.1 (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/creative-mod)
- Load attached save game "creative_mode.zip"
- Create a blueprint with Alt-B, make a selection, confirm blueprint save, then add blueprint to hotbar.
- Right-click blueprint in hotbar to open
- Left-click "select new contents for the blueprint"
- Make a selection that includes loaders
- Right-click on at least one loader to exclude it from the blueprint
- Click confirm to save blueprint
- Right-click blueprint in hotbar to re-open
Observed behavior: Game crashes when re-opening blueprint.