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Trains think receiver station is supplier

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 12:43 pm
by Xeizzen
While testing my base layout I decided to test yet another cells setup with LTN stations in it, and I designed them in a way that in the north part of the cell will be resource receiving station, while on south is the supplying station.

On my way to test this setup I sent the dummy payload on the receiver station and to my surprise trains started to come over thinking that this station could supply them with something.

The station is designed in the way that it reduces the amount of trains it receives as well as it has encoded network id, and also monitors what's inside the containers.

The save file can be downloaded from here (I cannot attach them to the message for some reason): ...

And as well as screenshot is provided:

Re: Trains think receiver station is supplier

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 3:23 pm
by eduran
LTN does not know about your station layout. It has to work with whatever signals you wire into the input. If you supply a positive item signal, LTN will assume this item is being provided. To avoid this, you have to set a provide threshold that is higher than any item signal could possibly be (I usually use a few million).
Alternatively, you can change the default provide threshold (a runtime mod setting). If you do that, you will have to set a provide threshold for your provider stations.

Re: Trains think receiver station is supplier

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 4:12 pm
by Xeizzen
Yes that makes sense.
And yes, actually there is a greater value of fish than it's demand.
Thank you, I should've thought about that :D

Re: Trains think receiver station is supplier

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:47 pm
by brokenshakles
You can also use an arithmetic combinator set to Each + 0 / Each as a signal diode/ one-way to keep irrelevant signals out, in fact, this is recommended, as sending unnecessary signals into a LTN station can eventually cause game performance problems with enough stations. Remeber, with LTN, use a green wire with a diode combinator for station inputs and the red wire for outputs. Excepting of course the station output that can only go out via green wire.

Re: Trains think receiver station is supplier

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 5:14 am
by Optera
brokenshakles wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:47 pm You can also use an arithmetic combinator set to Each + 0 / Each as a signal diode/ one-way to keep irrelevant signals out, in fact, this is recommended, as sending unnecessary signals into a LTN station can eventually cause game performance problems with enough stations. Remeber, with LTN, use a green wire with a diode combinator for station inputs and the red wire for outputs. Excepting of course the station output that can only go out via green wire.
There's two ways to build a diode:
arithmetic: each + 0 = each
decider: each != 0 : each = input count
I have no idea which of those two is faster. Generally I use the arithmetic since it's one click less to set it up.

There is no difference between using green or red, just remember that using both doubles every signal.

Troubleshooting help: trains think requestors are pickup stops

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 12:21 pm
by jitterbugzero
Not sure if this is a bug, or I don't get how to set up the stops. This doesn't happen every time, but for some products trains will try to pick up cargo at requestor stops. I attached a screen of what my requestors look like (steel chests wired to pole, then constant combinator, then light of stop).
Screen Shot 2019-04-27 at 5.29.24 PM.png
Screen Shot 2019-04-27 at 5.29.24 PM.png (944.24 KiB) Viewed 4228 times
A train will be triggered properly, then go from the depot to two "in" stops, never picking up a single thing. It mostly happens with red circuits, which happen to run low often. Not sure that's related. I know I need to expand production of red circuits but I want to sort out this problem properly.

Game is latest 0.17, mod is 1.10.8.
Appreciate any help!

Re: Trains think receiver station is supplier

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 8:02 pm
by csduff
So, it sounds like setting an excessive provide threshold is the only/best way to prevent becoming an accidental provider. Is that what is being said? I have tried to get into the habit of putting a provide threshold of 10,000 stacks, which should be more that any station of mine ever has.

This is a bit of an issue, to me, because if I look at my attached combinator and see that there is a provide threshold, my mind is going to immediately think that it is a provider stop, regardless of the value.

Re: Trains think receiver station is supplier

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 2:45 am
by DaleStan
csduff wrote: Mon May 13, 2019 8:02 pmThis is a bit of an issue, to me, because if I look at my attached combinator and see that there is a provide threshold, my mind is going to immediately think that it is a provider stop, regardless of the value.
You can fix this problem by setting the default provide threshold to 100,000,000, or by using LTN combinator instead of the vanilla constant combinators.

Re: Trains think receiver station is supplier

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 12:56 pm
by csduff
DaleStan wrote: Tue May 14, 2019 2:45 am You can fix this problem by setting the default provide threshold to 100,000,000, or by using LTN combinator instead of the vanilla constant combinators.
Yeah. I guess that would fix the problem of the visual nuisance. And I'm pretty good for specifying a threshold for my stations.