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Option to enable linear interpolation on scaled sprites

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 7:07 am
by Hexicube
I've noticed in some cases zooming completely destroys the appearance of some sprites, most notable indicator arrows. Quick tests in graphics editing software showed that using even the most basic interpolation (linear) had a huge effect compared to not using it, and the GPU load should be basically non-existant.

Here's a quick comparison showing what currently happens against what would happen with the indicator arrow scaled to 75% (32x32 -> 24x24):
It doesn't look like much, but it'll make a big difference on how smooth it looks in-game.

Could we get an option in 0.13 to enable interpolation on scaled sprites?

Re: Option to enable linear interpolation on scaled sprites

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 4:21 pm
by Hexicube
Just realised there's actually a config option for this (multisampling-level), perhaps it should show in the options in-game too?

Re: Option to enable linear interpolation on scaled sprites

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 5:12 pm
by keyboardhack
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=14613&p=98820&hilit ... ing#p98820
Version 0.12.3 wrote:
  • Multisampling not officially supported from now on.
Read here why