majik1213 wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 1:06 am
Aricitic wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2024 4:55 pm
For a construction bot on Nauvis (I've yet to go to another planet... I'm being too cautious) I see Speed: 13 + 9.7 km/h and Maximum flying reach: 1095 m. Fortunately, it's easy to convert m to km and back (multiply/divide by 1000). The speed is 22.7 km/h or 22699.98 m/h. That's (gets out calculator) 6.305556 m/s; so it would take about 173.8 seconds to travel 1095 m. That's 2 minutes and 53 seconds, which is equal to the "Minimum Operational Time."
So.... Um... (looks up the definition of minimum), that's definitely NOT the "minimum" operational time, but the "maximum" operational time. Right?
The Operational Time depends on power, not speed. After all, wouldn't you agree that the time available to fly relies on the battery power, not the actual speed of the unit? Power = Energy / Time, and energy consumption is energy over a given second. (1 Watt = 1 J / second = 1 energy consumption.) For a given Energy Capacity, E_max, the Consumption, C, ranges between "Moving consumption" and "Max. consumption," and these two data points are shown on the info box you mentioned.
Now, you want to know minimal Operational Time, which in turn relies on power available to the bot. Well, the minimal Operational Time needs to be less than or equal to the Operational Time, right? So, let's start there. Operational Time depends on the varying power consumption. Remember what I said above? "Consumption" (here, energy consumption) varies between "Moving consumption" (the lowest possible energy consumption) and the "Max. consumption" (the highest possible energy consumption). If we let C_min represent the former and C_max represent the latter, we have a range, C_min to C_max, whose units are that of consumption, expressed conventionally as joules per second, or watts, which represents power, not speed.
OK, we have a power consumption range, now we just need a time. If energy consumption is energy over time, then
its inverse is time over energy. If we know maximum energy (which is expressed as "Energy capacity" in Factorio, E_max, also on the info box), we know the Operational Time, T. To be formal, let "Energy capacity" (shown in info box) = E_max. You now have the minimal Operational Time, T_min.
T_min = E_max / C_max. C_max is chosen here because the minimal operational time occurs under circumstances that consistently require the maximal amount of energy consumption. Also, here, division represents the inverse. You can also compute the maximal Operational Time by analogy: T_max = E_min / C_min = E_max / C_min. (In the Factorio video game, C has a range, but E doesn't [false in real life], so E_min = E_max, always.)
Given this line of reasoning, let's verify that the already shown T_min, 18 seconds on the info box, is correct. Now, to be fair, I'm from the future, and your values have been updated in the Factoriopedia. Here's what I see for a normal logistic bot:
- "Max. consumption" = C_max = 83.25 kW
- "Moving consumption" = C_min = 15.0 kW + 65.25 kW = 75.25 kW
- "Energy capacity" = E_max = 1.5 MJ
- "Minimum operational time" = T_min = 18 s
- "Maximum flying reach" = D_max = 289 m
- "Speed" = 10.8 + 47.0 km/h = 57.8 km/h (again, this is an update, from the future, regarding what you said, "13 + 9.7 km/h," or 22.7 km/h)
Using the above formula in
red, T_min = E_max / C_max = 1.5 MJ / 83.25 kW = 1500 kJ / (83.25 s/kJ) = 18.018 s, or
~18 s. By contrast, the maximal operational time you accidentally computed as 2 minutes and 53 seconds is actually
T_max = E_max / C_min = 1.5 MJ / 75.25 kW = 1500 kJ / (75.25 s/kJ) =
~20 s. So, the logistic bot runs between 18-20 seconds before a recharge.
If you apply efficiency modules, C_min drops, and T_max increases. T_min improves with higher quality logistic bots.
Aricitic wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2024 4:55 pm
The phrasing is the same in the three instances I tested (English, French, and Czech). So... I don't know, maybe a cultural thing?
Hopefully, this explanation clarifies the formula involved and reveals that this formula is not a "cultural thing." Factoriopedia could include something like this explanation, however, to avoid confusion.
Good <insert your preferred word here> I wish I had a better brain. Does anyone know of a method of upgrading memory and focus?
Jokes aside, I'm assuming that your formulas show how the wording is correct, right? Ok, fine.
-= And I need to preface myself here by saying I truly, and honestly mean absolutely no offense or insult... but... seriously, I NEED an editor... =-
What you have done is, however, sadly, utterly irrelevant.
It's still confusing.
Factorio isn't a thesus.
It isn't a user manual for a nuclear power plant or nuclear armaments.
It is a game. If the wording is confusing on something it should be changed... or explained as thoroughly as you have --- and then explained again in a way that someone without a math degree can understand in five seconds.
The wording, as it stands, may be correct, mathematically, however, even with your example, I still disagree with it.
You are correct that the minimum/maximum operational time depends on the available power - and, by the way, there are no efficiency upgrades for bots, so, relevance? there are, however, "speed" upgrades, which influence this equation. i.e. no way to increase energy capacity without quality, but there is a way to increase speed - but only until you take into consideration that bots >DO NOT DIE (or stop)< when they run out. They continue to operate indefinitely, but only seek a charge until recharged fully.
So, even if we go with the assumption that the equation you provided is the basis of the wording, the wording itself is still incorrect.
Absolutely no one cares about the "minimum" amount of time - which changes per planet and per upgrade in speed - that the bot can operate. They care about the "maximum" amount of time between needed charges.
And, listing a minimum suggests that there is a maximum. Which, arguably, there isn't, as bots (once again) >DO NOT DIE< when they run out. They don't stop functioning either, they just stop doing anything but seek a recharge.
So, why list a "minimum" operational time? Why not list the maximum? Why list something that only those digging into the code will care about, and not what the general user will need... actually
need to know?
How long?
"How long."
How long will my bots continue to operate?
The minimum is irrelevant to that question; is it not? Why do we care about the minimum amount of time? (Please, tell me.) Don't we care about the maximum amount of operational time? How long before a bot needs to stop doing what it's doing and seek a charge? No, not the "minimum", but, instead, the maximum amount of time between charges.
Finally, with regard to the "cultural thing" I wasn't referencing formulas. While those, bizarrely, CAN BE cultural (see "mathematical notation by culture"), I was more referring to the strange choice in how a number of things have been worded in Factorio. This is only one, I've joined in on the conversation of another. is another.
Sorry for the confusion on that. -- but, seriously, I absolutely LOVE Factorio, but why are some of the things worded the way they are?
One final question I feel that I need to start asking everyone who responds to me: "Who are you in relation to the game? General user? Code digger/hacker/moder? Wube associate? Or part of the game development team?"
The reason I ask is so that I understand your background with regards to your answer.
Me? I'm a general user (and, yes, as you can take by my joke at the beginning, I'm not as "smart" as I would like... I've tried, and failed, to do far too much to believe highly of myself...) But I do my research for my responses - when I don't already know the information off-hand (and even then I double-check with the game and/or 50 web pages open).
Your math is correct, regardless of whether I can generally process it at the moment or not, but, why do "you" care? Why do "you" believe that the wording is correct?
That's what has me curous.
Sorry, and thank you. -- And, truly, I mean no offense. I just can't think of a better way of wording 'some things'...
EDIT: Final note: I updated my preferences so that I will be emailed when I get quoted so that it won't take as long for me to notice... Also, in case it influsences anything, I nearly reported, then nearly deleted this post while trying to simply "edit" it... so, yeah, I'm not exactly thinking clearly.