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Grid Aligned Blueprint's Alignment is off

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2024 6:24 pm
by zaanzabar
So, I have a grid aligned train network blueprint book. These blueprints can be dropped quickly to build out a large section of rail network. As I upgrade the system, I re-blueprint the segment as needed.

My grid aligned blueprint has settings like: (this is important)
Size: 224, 224
Position: -51, -51
Absolute: 33, 63
When I re-blueprint the segment, I make sure these numbers didn't change, to ensure the grid/network alignment.

NOW: when I re-blueprint the segment, which can include elevated rails, ground rails, signals, solar, accumulators, power, etc..., certain things line up, others don't. Rails usually are fine, but supports are off by a little. Or sometimes it's the solar panels, or other included items.

The solution I found, was to TRY adjusting these numbers to align to the new position, but since some are right, and others aren't, it fails. Once it fails, (this step was important) I could then re-blueprint it again, and it would work.

ESSENTIALLY, what I figured out, was that in order to re-blueprint a grid aligned segment, I first had to change the bottom 4 numbers to EVEN numbers, Blueprint it, then change them back to the desired ODD numbers. Then it works every time.

Re: Grid Aligned Blueprint's Alignment is off

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2024 7:05 pm
by zaanzabar
11-01-2024, 15-05-12.png
11-01-2024, 15-05-12.png (1.57 MiB) Viewed 331 times

Re: Grid Aligned Blueprint's Alignment is off

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2024 9:28 pm
by Genhis
Thanks for the report, this is a duplicate of 118658.