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[2.0] More quality options for AchievementsPrototype

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2024 4:57 pm
by LuziferSenpai
It would be nice if more achievement prototypes could be defined with a quality option.
Here is a list:

Most of these would be a simple change with the change from EntityID to EntityIDFilter, similiar to ItemIDFilter.
Or Adding a QualityIDFilter, which would be Quality + Operator.
  • BuildEntityAchievementPrototype
    Change EntityID to EntityIDFilter for to_build.
  • CombatRobotCountAchievementPrototype
    Add a EntityIDFilter, for which robot to count.
  • ConstructWithRobotsAchievementPrototype
    Add a QualityIDFilter.
  • DeconstructWithRobotsAchievementPrototype
    Add a QualityIDFilter.
  • DontBuildEntityAchievementPrototype
    Change EntityID to EntityIDFilter for dont_build.
  • DontUseEntityInEnergyProductionAchievementPrototype
    Change EntityID to EntityIDFilter for exluded & included.
  • EquipArmorAchievementPrototype
    Change ItemID to ItemIDFilter for armor & alternative_armor.
  • KillAchievementPrototype
    Change EntityID to EntityIDFilter for to_kill & damage_dealer.
  • ModuleTransferAchievementPrototype
    Change ItemID to ItemIDFIlter for module.
  • ShootAchievementPrototype
    Change ItemID to ItemIDFIlter for ammo_type.
  • UseItemAchievementPrototype
    Change ItemID to ItemIDFIlter for to_use.


Re: [2.0] More quality options for AchievementsPrototype

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2024 5:53 pm
by boskid
I am going to throw this to wont implement due to lack of precise descriptions what the quality filter would be supposed to cover in at least 2 cases. Keep in mind that interface requests should at least look like something usable for mods so just throwing a list of wishes without saying anything about how it would be used, especially such a long list is not going to get implemented because this is adding a lot of stuff that needs to be written, documented and maintained so having them implemented when mods would not use them is not a nice way of spending our time. Giving a plausible use case would immediately show you that some of the entires on this list make no sense.

Re: [2.0] More quality options for AchievementsPrototype

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2024 6:04 pm
by LuziferSenpai
boskid wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 5:53 pm I am going to throw this to wont implement due to lack of precise descriptions what the quality filter would be supposed to cover in at least 2 cases. Keep in mind that interface requests should at least look like something usable for mods so just throwing a list of wishes without saying anything about how it would be used, especially such a long list is not going to get implemented because this is adding a lot of stuff that needs to be written, documented and maintained so having them implemented when mods would not use them is not a nice way of spending our time. Giving a plausible use case would immediately show you that some of the entires on this list make no sense.
Updated the request, sry for making a stupid list before. It still came from the EA tests.
With the addition of ItemIDFilter, I now know how to have them done correctly.