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[1.1.57] Nuclear reactor suddenly got -i °C temperature

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 5:25 pm
by ignatio
Hi, one of my nuclear power plants suddenly stopped producing power, and I could see that all the components in the same heatpipe network were rapidly dropping in temperature, with almost half a million degrees below zero in the coldest places.

Investigating the problem a bit further I found one of the reactors having the rather intriguing temperature negative i (see screenshot). Removing that reactor I could see the other components starting to gain temperature again. (In the end I removed the entire heatpipe network and all attached machines to get rid of the ridiculous temperatures, and after that the game appears to work fine again.)
Reactor with negative i temperature.png
Reactor with negative i temperature.png (8.08 MiB) Viewed 2890 times

The issue is perfectly reproducible from the save, and I see no other stability issues. I've placed the character right next to the bugged reactor. It's an old save with lots of hours in it; I've played it since at least 0.16, possibly earlier. Plain vanilla, no mods. I've tried to attach it, but it doesn't appear to be working (it's 111.5 MB and I get an "Error parsing server response" exclamation mark from phpBB). Happy to provide it by some other means.

I've no idea what the cause may be - I was doing something completely unrelated and the reactor setup hasn't been touched for at least a hundred hours at this point. The three other nuclear plants continued to work fine.

I found one similar issue from last year about negative temperatures in heatpipes, but there the save was corrupted, which isn't the case here.

Re: [1.1.57] Nuclear reactor suddenly got -i °C temperature

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 5:44 pm
by Loewchen
Upload the save to googledrive and post a public link, see 3638. If you can recreate the issue from a save that is not broken yet post that as well please and the steps to create the issue.

Re: [1.1.57] Nuclear reactor suddenly got -i °C temperature

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 9:10 pm
by ignatio
Thanks for the quick response. The save is available here.

I've also uploaded the last save I have before it happened here, but it's some 2-2.5 hours earlier.

According to the instructions I've attached a log as well. It's not the log from when it happened, just one from when I opened the buggy save later.

Unfortunately I don't have a repro - as said earlier I was doing something completely unrelated (shelling biters in another part of the map). Suddenly I noticed that I had a power problem and it took some time before I got to investigate the cause, so I guess the first save above is half an hour to an hour after the issue actually occurred.

Re: [1.1.57] Nuclear reactor suddenly got -i °C temperature

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 7:32 pm
by ignatio
Just to check, I loaded the save from before it happened and let it run past the time in the other save, and it didn't occur again (but of course I didn't even try to redo the same things I did the first time).

So it doesn't look easy to reproduce, but if I get it again I'll take more care to save the log and the autosaves.

Re: [1.1.57] Nuclear reactor suddenly got -i °C temperature

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:25 pm
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report. Based off the inability to reproduce this from a working state and the extreme rarity of this happening in the many years the game has been out I highly suspect a random bit flip or single-event-upset on your system that corrupted the temperature in memory.

Unless you find a way to reproduce it from a working state there's nothing else we can do.

Re: [1.1.57] Nuclear reactor suddenly got -i °C temperature

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 12:28 am
by ignatio
Yes, that's fair enough. It didn't cause any lasting effects either, once I rebuilt the heatpipe network.

I'm a bit curious how the temperature can take on a value that gets written out as "-i". You're not using a complex number data type for that, right? Maybe it's "-inf" that gets truncated somehow.

Re: [1.1.57] Nuclear reactor suddenly got -i °C temperature

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 6:59 pm
by Rseding91
It's a simple 'double'.