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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:19 am
by MantisShrimp
I just noticed this.


All the turret (except the bullet one) and even the active wall defense thing have 1000 range. They don't.

Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 7:00 am
by Fatmice
Vanilla ones as well, so it's a vanilla bug or "feature."

Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:28 pm
by YuokiTani
MantisShrimp wrote:@YuokiTan
If it's possible, please make those giant boilers rotatable. Thanks. Also, the robots can't use your repair packs.
it's not possible because it's for factorio a pipe (no rotation) ^^ ... if i add side-inputs the game crashs - always :) -> so called crash-feature ...
repair-packs needs to overwrite vanilla-stuff to working. this would also overwrite other mod-recipes like dytech, bob etc.
in general i don't touch or change vanilla behavior of vanilla-stuff.

Range 1000 - clear a factorio-feature because in 0.12.0 they have lower range. this feature efffects only on energy-based turrets.

i think this weekend i will upload a new version with small updates.

Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:46 pm
by Nanobytez
Is this how people are powering infusers? With that engines addon? lol. I can't run mine for a few moments before it eats the buffer tanks of my Rensuir turbines. :s Finding it hard to pump out crystal accumulators. Might have to add another 1/14/10 setup again. I don't have the space to make these giant farms without putting stuff near DyTech biters and those things are no joke.

Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:55 pm
by RadioMan
OK got another stupid question, which pump should I use with the tanks, particulary the UGTx-Tn 50.000, I think I tried about everything that looks like a tank, except the water pump, but that doesn't make sense, since I don't want to pump water.

Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 7:26 pm
by MantisShrimp
Nanobytez wrote:Is this how people are powering infusers? With that engines addon? lol. I can't run mine for a few moments before it eats the buffer tanks of my Rensuir turbines. :s Finding it hard to pump out crystal accumulators. Might have to add another 1/14/10 setup again. I don't have the space to make these giant farms without putting stuff near DyTech biters and those things are no joke.
You HAVE to have efficiency modules in the infuser. Those things use 100MW otherwise, with -80% it's only 20MW. It also helps that you surround the infusers with mass beacons to speed it up as much as you can, that way they're not eating all of your power to take forever to infuse something. At some point you're going to need to build giant ass power plant to provide electricity to the things this mod offers. A single 100MW infuser would need 2 of the corn-powered power plant I posted and you don't want to know what 100MW in vanilla solar farm would look like.

This example is a lot smaller and you can provide it with water however you like, I used electric water pumps. Boilers still need solid fuel and can't support that many turbine. Each boiler provide roughly ~35MW, but it's significantly smaller. The infusers to the right are all at -80% power and +275% speed. Whatever you end up doing, maxed efficiency is really a must.
small power plant example
Nanobytez wrote:Is this how people are powering infusers? With that engines addon? lol. I can't run mine for a few moments before it eats the buffer tanks of my Rensuir turbines. :s Finding it hard to pump out crystal accumulators. Might have to add another 1/14/10 setup again. I don't have the space to make these giant farms without putting stuff near DyTech biters and those things are no joke.
The only pump you can use is the vanilla pump and it must be directly touching the tank. The little blue one that uses electricity to work. I find the giant tanks are not very useful because the vanilla pump doesn't suck the liquid out fast enough for anything I want to use the tanks for. Maybe YuokiTani got plans for more powerful ones in the future.

Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 7:30 pm
by YuokiTani
Nanobytez wrote:Is this how people are powering infusers? With that engines addon? lol. I can't run mine for a few moments before it eats the buffer tanks of my Rensuir turbines. :s Finding it hard to pump out crystal accumulators. Might have to add another 1/14/10 setup again. I don't have the space to make these giant farms without putting stuff near DyTech biters and those things are no joke.
No, infusing mud/unicomp is designed as energy-storage-system - alternative to accumulators. solarpower over day can infuse mud and this can stored and transported for night-time to feed your boilers-/steam-engines.
if you play without yi_engines you need only a few infused/transmutated UCA2 for better buildings. but if you optimize your infuser with green modules you can drop the energy-consume from 100 MW to 20 MW.
some math for mud-balls ... 10 x 80 MJ = 800 MJ takes 16 s -> at 100 MW you infuse 1600 MJ, at 20 MW - 320 MJ - but of course you need a energy-setup that can deliver ~ 23 MW stable. if you run with solar you don't think about speed, it takes the time and you get stored power in a high stackable solid block.
i personal use variants of this setup -> image - with logistic robots i deliver mud -> infuse -> burn in obninsk -> overflow is taken out from robots (belt also possible). with this small setup you can feed 1 or 2 more obninsk gives ~ 30-50 MW- but need mud-balls.

farms are a green way, and sometimes is not power the goal.
for normal play farms deliver an alternative production way for lubricant/light oil and run engines with vegetable oil.
RadioMan wrote:OK got another stupid question, which pump should I use with the tanks, particulary the UGTx-Tn 50.000, I think I tried about everything that looks like a tank, except the water pump, but that doesn't make sense, since I don't want to pump water.
these tanks ar underground-tanks for storage fluids. you need a small-vanilla-pump to get the fluid back to surface.
because this tanks are underground the fluid flows in but not out without a pump.

edit: i took to long to write, mantis was faster :)

Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 6:23 am
by RadioMan
I am still trying out your mod and now I want to create a quantrinum reactor, but I need 8 SCD Accumulators, but I can't find them anywhere, can anybody give me a hint on what tab you can find them, because I'm clueless.

Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:17 am
by Fatmice
Really? Yuoki Energy Tab, 3rd row, 4th column. :roll:

Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 12:34 pm
by RadioMan
Yeah well I must seem real stupid, which I'm not, but in that row I have the following machines (or accumulators)
- Modified Substation St-A
- UPS Flywheel
- Medium Advanced Accumulator
- AQE-Accumulator
- Big Advanced Accumulator
- Small Advanced Accumulator
- MCD Accumulator
- BCD Accumulator

But no SCD Accumulator, maybe I am using another version, but it's in the recipe for the quantrinum reactor and the picture doesn't even look like any of these accumulators.

Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 12:44 pm
by oLaudix
Right there with all other accumulators. Not to mention if you just click quantrinum reactor itll automaticly build everything you need ...

Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 2:27 pm
by YuokiTani
RadioMan wrote:Yeah well I must seem real stupid, which I'm not,
But no SCD Accumulator, maybe I am using another version, but it's in the recipe for the quantrinum reactor and the picture doesn't even look like any of these accumulators.
nothing wrong with you, it was removed in latest version 0.2.32. i activate this scd-back, and change later the recipe for the quantrinum-reactor. sorry my mistake. ( if you don't want to wait - prototyes/r_electric.lua - line 141 and 150 remove --[[ ]] )

Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 3:55 pm
by RadioMan
oLaudix wrote:Right there with all other accumulators. Not to mention if you just click quantrinum reactor itll automaticly build everything you need ...
Yeah thank you but probably because the recipe wasn't active the raw materials list showed me I needed a bunch of SCD accumulators and I couldn't click it, but I thought I missed some raw materials, that's why I looked for this accumulator recipe and couldn't find it..... but yeah I'm aware that I could normally click it and it will make me the reactor including those accumulators. And if I had enough lachnan crystals I might have still been able to craft it, but I don't know/

Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 7:15 pm
by Fatmice
It seems Yuoki goofed :) . I would just wait a bit for the next update or make the necessary edits in to the mod files to re-enable the accumulator.

Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 5:30 am
by Cooolaid
YuokiTani wrote:
RadioMan wrote:Yeah well I must seem real stupid, which I'm not,
But no SCD Accumulator, maybe I am using another version, but it's in the recipe for the quantrinum reactor and the picture doesn't even look like any of these accumulators.
nothing wrong with you, it was removed in latest version 0.2.32. i activate this scd-back, and change later the recipe for the quantrinum-reactor. sorry my mistake. ( if you don't want to wait - prototyes/r_electric.lua - line 141 and 150 remove --[[ ]] )

hmmm. nice... Ok I also deleted ALL the [[]] in the .lua document. including line 177 & 186 - Yaay more tiers :P

Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 2:30 am
by CharitableClas
I use the engines add-on for your mod among others and was just wondering if anyone else had this problem but when I go to use the Gearbox to make the hydraulic fluid i need for other machines as soon as I place down the gearbox the map crashes saying that there is a nil value somewhere in the code then when I go to load it back up Factorio crashes as well... anyone else having this problem? I am running an older version of it just wondering if it got fixed in a newer version before I bother trying to update.

Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 2:51 am
by Fatmice
You should try the new version.

Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 8:35 am
by YuokiTani
CharitableClas wrote:I use the engines add-on for your mod among others and was just wondering if anyone else had this problem but when I go to use the Gearbox to make the hydraulic fluid i need for other machines as soon as I place down the gearbox the map crashes saying that there is a nil value somewhere in the code then when I go to load it back up Factorio crashes as well... anyone else having this problem? I am running an older version of it just wondering if it got fixed in a newer version before I bother trying to update.
in general fixes new versions old bugs and come with new (sometimes) ...


i have uploaded the new yi-0.2.33 version
for safety here the release-notes

Version 0.2.33 - Notes
Always Backup your Savegame before Update !

- some Entity-Descriptions off - because game cut's them no more -> long descriptions breaks the UI
- still to not break save-games - old turrets change on remove

- old gatling-turret now changes to new version
- new Laika-Gate graphic
- bigger chests more hitpoints and damage resistance (forum-request)
- balanced gun-turret values (forum-request)
- scd-recipe no longer hidden

- 1 technology for YI-Railways
- 1 technology for F12-defense
- 5 locomotives and 5 cargo-wagons (all short versions)
- 1 fast-fire double-barrel gun-turret (2x2)
- 1 hardic-walls (2x2)

included locomotives intended to drive manual ... for this reason max. speed is reduced ... the white lamp indicates the locomotive-front (fast drive direction)
Hardic-Walls match with the Laser-Defense graphic now, so you can build seemless 2x2 walls including defense-weapons - have also many hitpoints

if you have downloaded after 19:20 CET all is fine.
Before this time you can decide if you want these 2 additional locomotives ->video<- or not and if you want you need to download 52MB again

Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 1:39 am
by Fatmice
Yuoki, you made another boo boo in math.

10 water -> 120 steam
240 steam -> 10 water => you are not conserving water. That should instead be 20 water.

Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 2:01 am
by Djohaal
I assume that could be to simulate losses on the process.

Anyway, I'm in love with this mod, the new content is incredbly fun to play with and also very pretty.

An issue I noticed with the mod is the balance on the craft time. Even complex machines can be assembled in little under a minute manually because almost everything takes 0.5 or 1 time unit to craft. I could provide a list of rebalance suggestions to make automating some production lines more worthwhile.

Another issue is spelling and grammar on the asset text. I could also provide cleaned up text if it is of interest. :mrgreen: