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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 7:05 pm
by Neemys
I edited SCT to change the third lab recipe only if the config insert overhaul is checked in bobs logistic config. I replace the fast filter inserter by red filter inserter. So only those that use overhaul will have the recipe changed.
I took mexmer 0.16 version as a base.
I took the liberty to edit the mod name to specify unofficial.
Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 7:52 pm
by mexmer
Neemys wrote:I edited SCT to change the third lab recipe only if the config insert overhaul is checked in bobs logistic config. I replace the fast filter inserter by red filter inserter. So only those that use overhaul will have the recipe changed.
I took mexmer 0.16 version as a base.
I took the liberty to edit the mod name to specify unofficial.
you beat me somewhat to it, i just finished fixing my mod. it's on portal now. i will check your code, if we did it same way
Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 10:36 pm
by bobingabout
It's boblogistics that does the overhaul, not bobinserters.
you'll want something along the lines of... in the data-updates phase:
Code: Select all
if data.raw.item["red-filter-inserter"] then
table.insert("lab-3", "red-filter-inserter")
table.insert("lab-3", "filter-inserter")
EDIT: oh, I guess I'm a bit late to this.
Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 11:18 pm
by jodokus31
Thanks, it worked for me
Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 7:16 am
by mexmer
bobingabout wrote:It's boblogistics that does the overhaul, not bobinserters.
you'll want something along the lines of... in the data-updates phase:
Code: Select all
if data.raw.item["red-filter-inserter"] then
table.insert("lab-3", "red-filter-inserter")
table.insert("lab-3", "filter-inserter")
EDIT: oh, I guess I'm a bit late to this.
i'm actually checking if setting toggle is present, and is on. it might be better checking for item, or even both, but for now it works.
Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 6:37 pm
by Neemys
mexmer wrote:Neemys wrote:I edited SCT to change the third lab recipe only if the config insert overhaul is checked in bobs logistic config. I replace the fast filter inserter by red filter inserter. So only those that use overhaul will have the recipe changed.
I took mexmer 0.16 version as a base.
I took the liberty to edit the mod name to specify unofficial.
you beat me somewhat to it, i just finished fixing my mod. it's on portal now. i will check your code, if we did it same way
Here my code (in tweaks/bobsmods/2_final.lua) :
Code: Select all
isInserterOverhauled = false
if(mods["boblogistics"] ~= nil and mods["boblogistics"] ~= "" and settings["startup"]["bobmods-logistics-inserteroverhaul"] ~= nil and settings["startup"]["bobmods-logistics-inserteroverhaul"].value) then
isInserterOverhauled = true
if(isInserterOverhauled) then
bobmods.lib.recipe.replace_ingredient("sct-lab-3", "filter-inserter", "red-filter-inserter")
Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 8:39 pm
by mexmer
Neemys wrote:mexmer wrote:Neemys wrote:I edited SCT to change the third lab recipe only if the config insert overhaul is checked in bobs logistic config. I replace the fast filter inserter by red filter inserter. So only those that use overhaul will have the recipe changed.
I took mexmer 0.16 version as a base.
I took the liberty to edit the mod name to specify unofficial.
you beat me somewhat to it, i just finished fixing my mod. it's on portal now. i will check your code, if we did it same way
Here my code (in tweaks/bobsmods/2_final.lua) :
Code: Select all
isInserterOverhauled = false
if(mods["boblogistics"] ~= nil and mods["boblogistics"] ~= "" and settings["startup"]["bobmods-logistics-inserteroverhaul"] ~= nil and settings["startup"]["bobmods-logistics-inserteroverhaul"].value) then
isInserterOverhauled = true
if(isInserterOverhauled) then
bobmods.lib.recipe.replace_ingredient("sct-lab-3", "filter-inserter", "red-filter-inserter")
yes i looked at that.
my code is on github, but here is snip for that part
Code: Select all
if mods["boblogistics"] then
if settings.startup["bobmods-logistics-inserteroverhaul"] and settings.startup["bobmods-logistics-inserteroverhaul"].value == true then
bobmods.lib.recipe.replace_ingredient("sct-lab-3", "filter-inserter", "red-filter-inserter")
Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 2:23 pm
by mexmer
just a sidenote, some people had complaints regarding lab research speed (although lat tier primary decides, what research can be done in it), so i added as optional toggle speed scaling. mind it will make game somewhat easier.
that's also reason, why bob LabMk2 is disabled in SCT, it has research speed 2, so when you upgrade to bobs mk2 lab, research speed is doubled.
in seablock mod bob lab mk2 is enabled, just cost and energy requiremerement is tuned, but that's up to @Trainwreck
Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 9:23 pm
by McRib
i could need a hand here. I get a error message from SeaBlock mod: /data-updatees.lua:640: attempt to index field "bio-aboretum" (a nil value)
Any ideas how i can solve it? The mods are alle updated and i use the alpha version of the bio progressing mod (needed to keep the Sea Block mod running) from angel i guess that is the issue point however i have no idea why i only have this issues and nobody else.
Angel Mods
Bob Mods
Science Cost Tweaker from Mexmer
Sea Block mods (and needed mods)
(all what need to keep Sea Block mod running)
Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 10:30 pm
by fiery_salmon
McRib wrote:The mods are alle updated
That is main mistake - it is unsupported, not working. After updating mods you no longer have a Seablock modpack, you have heap of broken dependencies.
Problem mentioned here is unlikely to be a bug in Science Cost Tweaker - I recommend resetting mods to Seablock modpack and not updating them.
Also, if you report issues in mods - try to verify what mod combination is causing it (mod A, B, C together is not crashing, mod A, B, C, D together are crashing is much better that "I use so many mods that I am not going to list them and one of them interacts poorly with another").
Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 10:32 pm
by mexmer
McRib wrote:i could need a hand here. I get a error message from SeaBlock mod: /data-updatees.lua:640: attempt to index field "bio-aboretum" (a nil value)
Any ideas how i can solve it? The mods are alle updated and i use the alpha version of the bio progressing mod (needed to keep the Sea Block mod running) from angel i guess that is the issue point however i have no idea why i only have this issues and nobody else.
Angel Mods
Bob Mods
Science Cost Tweaker from Mexmer
Sea Block mods (and needed mods)
(all what need to keep Sea Block mod running)
bio-arboretum is from angels.
anyways, don't update mods to latest version, use mod versions that are written in seablock modpack first post. they work fine and were tested, while new latest versions not always.
Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 2:09 am
by Ranakastrasz
viewtopic.php?f=25&t=46532&p=304331&hil ... w+#p304331
Could we have the Waste products be blocked from decomposition? Would prevent irritating loops that massively inflate total-raw values.
Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:42 am
by mexmer
i will look into it, when i have time, although calling it massive is exagregation.
Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:54 pm
by mexmer
0.16.7 SCTM
- fix for pycoal processing t3 science override (missing intermediates)
- moved science waste recipes behind respective technology unlock, that produce it
i''ve also added that allow_decomposition flag, but mind this flag, doesn't fix raw total display, when multiple recipes are present for base intermediates.
Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 9:03 pm
by mexmer
little update for incoming change from bobingabout, see more here
and here
Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 5:21 pm
by steinio
Angel's Extended adds a glass sink which added flasks from glass to higher tier science packs (blue++ i believe).
Would be nice if it gets readded to your science packs.
Also the science stuff is not sorted correctly into your item group in the signal picker menu.
Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 5:30 pm
by Bilka
@mexmer your version of the mod has some big issues with completely messing up the science pack item and recipe order, these also existed in the 0.15 version. I am currently fixing them with my own third party mod, are you interested in the code/the important changes it does so that you can fix your mod so it's fixed for everyone?
Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 8:41 pm
by mexmer
Bilka wrote:@mexmer your version of the mod has some big issues with completely messing up the science pack item and recipe order, these also existed in the 0.15 version. I am currently fixing them with my own third party mod, are you interested in the code/the important changes it does so that you can fix your mod so it's fixed for everyone?
source code is on github, you can create PR for that, i will review it, and merge it.
although not sure what it could do to item/recipe order, since most SCT stuff is in own category.
if you mean items in subgroup ordering, then yes, i'm aware there is problem, not sure what is cause, and din't have time yet to look deeper into it.
Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 8:43 pm
by mexmer
steinio wrote:Angel's Extended adds a glass sink which added flasks from glass to higher tier science packs (blue++ i believe).
Would be nice if it gets readded to your science packs.
Also the science stuff is not sorted correctly into your item group in the signal picker menu.
TBH, i'm not sure what affects order in signal menu, have not seen any attribute for it. although might be same problem as @bilka mentioned, if signals are affected by subgroup naming and order, then i might look into it at same time.
Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker
Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:34 am
by mexmer
@bilka, @steinio
ok i did some research, and seems craft menu is affected by order/subgroup on recipe definition, while inventory and signals seems to be affected by order/subgroup on item definition
when i have some more time, i will reorder all items. since tbh. i don't like current order either, just was not bothered that much with it, to give it more than short look, but i can understand, that in combination with other mods, it might create quite big mess.