Oh glorious, I'm so happy I found this forum so I didn't have to feel awkward about making this post myself. Quick preface, I haven't read everything so if I'm massively missing the mark, let me know.
So I basically quit Factorio due to the mining issues. I've been waiting for dirty mining and have been incredibly sad to see that it's officially been dropped, as I abhor running modded servers. Usually they're so modded that it doesn't even feel like they're Factorio to me anymore, espeically the ones that just have endless recolors of existing models. Considering that I don't have a choice now (either I won't play Factorio because it doesn't have deep mining or I won't play it because I have to run mods, so I'm just not happy regardless and have to sacrifice /somewhere/), I'll swallow my pride and be okay with mods /just this once/!
Just to be clear, Mining Productivity research doesn't make things better for me because the only thing I enjoy doing in Factorio is setting up mines in the first place, and as of now, that process is overwhelmingly shallow. Stick miners and belts down in the same grid with the same blueprint, stick conveyor belts down, run them to trains, done. With the new blueprint system we have now, it's so utterly trivial that I just feel useless, and the research we've been given feels like one of the most blatant cop-outs I've ever seen.
Anyway, I did about fifteen minutes of research and found these two mods:
https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Reika/DirtyMining (Spotlight:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjOPO2Y3AUo ) and
https://mods.factorio.com/mods/VortiK/v ... ore-mining (Spotlight:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtJiC6eGsqI ) . Both do elements of what I think we've all wanted, but neither, by themselves, cover everything. If we combine them somehow, though, I think we'll get pretty much the exact feature we've been looking for since this stuff was announced back in .14 or .13.
I originally imagined it by *all* ore patches turning into "dirty ore" patches once they expire, and *all* of them acting like oil, but each giving such an individually small amount that going for a 1x1 tile is useless. All the Dirty Ore patches'd act like oil and be given a random(ish) starting value. "Deep core miners" would've covered a 7x7-10x10 area and cumulatively produce about 1-1.5x of a single electric mine forever at minimal density once the ore is depleted to its minimum levels. The end result would be that a field originally consisting of 50 or so electric drills producing 50 or so ore per second would now be covered by about ten core drills producing 50 ore per second at first, but trailing off to ten ore per second, and preventing the player from getting more than that would come down to the miners being physically *huge* so you can't physically place a great many of them close together.
Once the dirty ore is mined, it has to be taken to some sort of washing facility that requires water. They'd take a nearly-unreasonable amount of time to process one dirty ore into a clean ore (with no by-products), on the order of three to five seconds, thus forcing the player to construct an absolutely massive amount of the things. This is where the complication comes in; they'd need to make so many and have to have it near a body of water that they'd need to make a new shape every time since their own water supply (be it a lake or a particularly large train) gets in the way. This is what had me so excited!
Even getting the ore in and out of the washing plants would be an epic challenge; I imagine constantly having pipes on both sides of conveyor belts with long-arm inserters reaching over them. All of this stuff still requires electricity, so there'd be power lines everywhere, and everything'd just /barely/ reach. It'd be one of the single most convoluted setups manageable, on par with the kinds of setups commonly seen in the centers of megafactories, except now they'd be scattered *everywhere*!
The electricity requirements would obviously be immense due to the sheer number of entities involved, so it'd even given an excuse to have *dedicated nuclear plants* running 2-3 outposts, but not so immense that that's a requirement; a large installation of boilers should be able to manage one outpost.
So now we got two trains (or one big complicated one with mixed wagons!) bringing liquid in and ore out, something for players like me to do besides just endlessely blueprinting everything and letting construction robots do our jobs for us, and even more complicated-looking factories. I don't see the downside aside from this not being a core game feature.
To be clear, here's a bullet-point list of what I'm hoping to have happen:
* When an ore tile is depleted, it has a 100% chance of spawning a "dirty ore tile" where it was before.
* Dirty Ore Tiles act like oil with a minimum yield that produces ore at 1/100th the speed an electric miner can output.
* Deep Core Miners cover a 10x10 area and can produce the output of a single electric miner once the Dirty Ore reaches minimum yield, assuming the Core Miner's influence is fully saturated.
* Deep Core Miners produce Dirty Iron Ore, Dirty Copper Ore, and so on, with no other by-products.
* The Dirty Ore must be taken to a washing station.
* Washing stations are like Assemblers but only have five recipes: "Wash Iron Ore", "Wash Copper Ore", and so on, which take one Dirty Ore and some water as input and one Totally Normal Vanilla IronCopperCoalWhicheverOre as output.
* Washing stations take at least three seconds to process one ore, which forces the player to build a massive amount of them to handle one mining site.
* Washing stations require *large* amounts of water, making an ore patch located near a lake extremely valuable or making trains with a minimum of 3-5 liquid wagons a requirement to handle 24/7 operation of a typical site.
* The electrical demand of each part isn't too massive, but the cumulative total of all the Deep Core Miners and Washing Stations should be large enough to warrant a dedicated power plant (which is where some of the train-water goes). Solar basically isn't an option except for small Deep Core plants, Steam can realistically power one large plant, and Nuclear should realistically handle 2-3.
* Due to the power requirements, pollution is obviously going to be massive. Make it even worse. This stuff should attract biters up the wazoo!
* If you're doing graphics too, please make all of the new buildings visually distinct and not just recolors of stuff that already exists. I want this to feel like a core game feature, not like Bob's Mods. (No offense meant at him, I get that his playerbase is about game mechanics and doesn't care as much about graphics, but I personally care a lot about graphics.)
* We can make this even more complicated but within reason: We can make it so that, in addition to electricity, Core Miners require gears (or "drill bits" that are basically just made from ten gears or something) and burn them like other entities burn fuel, and they stop operating once depleted. This way we'd now need two conveyor belts running to every miner!
* Should the Deep Core miners require lubricant to be piped to them?
* I personally think having byproducts *with no immediate uses* are a bad idea because in my mind, the water'd just wash all that away in the first place. However, maybe it's worth considering a "dirty water" output that can be recycled back into clean water to help power the outpost, provided the player's willing to invest in yet another layer of complexity by adding "distillery stations". The purpose of those stations would be to feed extra water (and possibly wood and stone now that that's logically easy to scrape off the bottom of a tank) back into that same outpost to reduce the load on the import trains. It definitely shouldn't be enough to make the outpost self-sufficient, but it might take the requirement from five liquid wagons down to four or three, as well as reduce the need for as much incoming coal if the outpost is being powered by boilers. Personally I like this idea, but I feel like it might be asking too much of mod developers on top of everything else that's already here.
So there. Does anyone have any feedback? More importantly, can anyone take what I've linked to and make what I've written up into reality?