mrvn wrote: Mon Oct 11, 2021 3:43 pm
The inserter head has to move from the idle position to where the fuel is getting picked up. With belts it might have to chase the fuel costing extra ticks.
Shouldn't happen with a chest though I thought. But maybe there is some delay like 1 tick to evaluate circuit signal, 1 tick to pick thing from chest.
Yes but my belts are stopped, so no chasing, timings for swings should always be the same every cycle like for chests. Belts are stopped however the fuel itself isn't stopped at the exact same position on the stopped belt for all 4 inserters. Which may means some swing are 180° but some are only 177° for example, and if the swing time for 180° is 12.5 ticks rounded to 13, it may round to 12 if the angle is just slightly different. Say because one belt is stopped in 3 logic tick while another only 2 after the fuel entered.
SoShootMe wrote: Mon Oct 11, 2021 11:13 am
The 12.5 ticks for a 180 degree rotation at 864 degrees/s seems to round up to 13 ticks each time. That makes sense because the inserter returns to an idle state between each operation (it always starts on a tick, and hasn't got far enough until the 13th tick), but
it might be different if it is continuously active.
True i got confused with measuring timing it takes for an item to go through a loop of belts. Now i want to play more with those when i can haha, makes me wonder if a straight belt that is crossed in 32 ticks act like a reset for the 0.25 rounding that appears when an item goes through a corner belt in 13.25 ticks. I measured timing by holding the read value on a corner belt into an incrementing counter. The number went up 13 13 13 14 13 13 13 14, from which i deduced it was 13.25.
Also I managed to make a 120 tick loop using 4 yellow corner belts( 4x13.25 = 53ticks) and 4 red straight belts (4x16 = 64 ticks ) this represent 117 ticks, then i used circuit on 3 of the red belts, read-pulse-enable when [redscience] not 1 which stops the item 1 tick and i read the value on the last red belt, an item was entering every 120 ticks precisely. (when the item is in the inner side).
the last part of your sentence seem to apply to belts loops, not for inserter that activate once per 200 second i understand.
gGeorg wrote: Mon Oct 11, 2021 5:30 pm
0. cell is used
1. inserter_unload-er get noticed the source and grab and send signal
2. inserter_loader processing signal
3. inserter_loader grab the new cell
4-15. arm swing
16. inserter_loader loading the new cell
that's only 12 for the swing itself ?
Could it be because the reactor core is large and the fuel is dropped on a diagonal tile reducing the angle for the swing ?
Or maybe it's 12.5 and the tick 16 used for the end of the swing AND the disappearing of the fresh fuel cell, getting rid of any decimal from the inserter.
i used the editor already to realise it was 12025 oor 12026 ticks in my case but what i found i'm here to try and understand it, may be off-topic but also i need it to make a better power plant, more efficient in the details next time
gGeorg wrote: Mon Oct 11, 2021 5:49 pm
Also, in your case, of heatpipes as capacitor, you dont have a tool too measure amount of heat stored in plant, so you dont know when insert new cell, so , as result, in case of irregular usage, probably with combination of solars and some burners, or simple bug attack repelled by lasers
you will feed nuclear cells nonstop. Which is, as you know, punishable by law.
True no tool to measure the heat, that's why it require a clock design, the only way to achieve wastelessness is to control precisely the refuel timer according to energy consumption. That's still one way to do haha
but no feeding nuclear nonstop as a result of consumption spike !
In the case of clocked-fuel-insertion where energy is stored in heat pipes, you do not react automatically to consumption since there is no tank to have a feedback and auto reduce the timing of fueling. That would be the case if @mrvn suggestions were implemented, with a tank whose steam level is used to stop or release the belt. ( which if you do may as well get rid of the clock entirely and add more tanks and it wouldn't be the same design imo)
The way it is, if you have a simple bug attack repelled by lasers, you will consume the steam in the 96 turbines, if you draw 558+ MW you have enough for only a few second of shooting, since turbines store 200 steam but consume only 60. For a bit of time you'll consume 120 steam using the 2 turbines, then the capacity is capped to 103/sec which is what the heat exchanger can sustain. Then you will have brown out. Same as with every nuclear plant when you consume more than you produce at max capacity.
You only feed nuclear non-stop if you set it so manually, if you set it to 80% and have a spike consumption that would require 100% or 110% , this kind of plant will give you brow-out or intermittent black-out if left alone for too long. If the system cools down under the equilibrium temperature at max-load, due to not having any heat buffer anymore, analog to a steam storage plant where all tanks are depleted, then you'll have some power only a certain amount of time then black-out until next refuel.
This means it's law-compliant ! you set it to 220 sec timer of refuel for 10 minutes untill the glow is nice and warm ( the heat dissipate well enough away from the core that they don't reach 999° before the exterior reach 750° or so), then you reduce it to match the consumption you read when you click a power pole say you consumed 240MW the last hour, you can see the graph, and predict the way it will average later on, so you can set up timer to 200x2 if you plan on consuming around 240MW, but if you are adding a new ore patch maybe you want to put the timer to 200x1.8. If you take 2 minutes to add the ore patch you do not plan ahead the same way as if you take 20 minutes or 2 hours to add an other ore patch

And when you reach 200+10%, you know you can't expand anymore before building another power plant.
[Edited with correct value]
If ever the glow gets too bright, you just reduce the refuel timer for a bit to prevent waste.