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Coal to Rocket fuel (liquefication setup)

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 12:06 pm
by Krankomat
Because I kept running low on rocket fuel, I created a coal liquefication setup to turn coal into rocket fuel.
The blueprint is an evolution of the setup by @vanatteveldt (viewtopic.php?t=51253).
Also you can read up on some thoughts about coal to rocket fuel by @iceman_1212 (viewtopic.php?t=45545).

It also takes into account the changes of 0.17, with coal liquefication producing much more heavy oil.
(Before 0.17: (coal liquefication) --> 35 heavy oil, 15 light oil, 20 petroleum)
(After 0.17: (coal liquefication) --> 90 heavy oil, 20 light oil, 10 petroleum)


It takes 3.7k coal/minute and produces 225 rocket fuel/minute.
The setup takes about 85 MW to fully operate.
As primer, there's an assembly machine for 1 or more heavy oil barrels to get the cycle started.
The blueprint takes lvl 3 speed modules, but you can also add an extra 15 rocket fuel assembly machines on top, if you don't have them.

There are some minor inefficiencies (a bit too much solid fuel), but I think they are negligible.
Also I tried using Helmod ( for analysis, but I didn't understand it :?
production statistics

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Re: Coal to Rocket fuel (liquefication setup)

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 1:59 pm
by Serenity
The Factorio Calculator can solve this too: ... :null:null

Re: Coal to Rocket fuel (liquefication setup)

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 3:06 pm
by Krankomat
Serenity wrote: Sun May 10, 2020 1:59 pm The Factorio Calculator can solve this too: ... :null:null
Thanks a lot for posting that link! I did not know the site so far.

Re: Coal to Rocket fuel (liquefication setup)

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 4:47 pm
by gGeorg
This will count your current thrutput ingame:

Very useful for designs like you did.