no polution option for megabases/no biters world
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 5:59 pm
After playing a few hundreds hours on several map and experimenting, I decided to go for the megabase on a no enemies world.
It started well, but after a few dozens hours of setting massive production lanes, my fps started to go down, fast forward, and the game became nearly unplaybale because of a low twenties fps.
I scoured the forums and reddit to see what performance optimizations could be done, and i found a post by Rseding91 who mentionned that pollutions affected chunks.
my debug screen indicated about 12k chunks active, which was funny because of a quick calculation indicated that i should not have more than a thousand (compact base at this point, and for setting up the megabase, i decided to spawn a couple of massive coper/iron fields on base, to be later replaced by expansions).
so i decided to reset the pollution to test
and low and behold, my fps/ups counters instantanly went from low twenties to mid fifties, with 955 active chunks.
after a few more hours of play, my fps started to tank again, and a reset of pollution cleared the problem right away.
I'm assuming the problem comes from iterating the chunks to calculate the pollution spread which affects biter behavior, but on a no-biter world, it is useless (apart maybe for aesthetics effects on trees).
could we have an option to disable pollution altogether to lighten the load on intensive maps ? or maybe just do it on no-biter worlds (so you don't have determinstic issues on MP) ?
After playing a few hundreds hours on several map and experimenting, I decided to go for the megabase on a no enemies world.
It started well, but after a few dozens hours of setting massive production lanes, my fps started to go down, fast forward, and the game became nearly unplaybale because of a low twenties fps.
I scoured the forums and reddit to see what performance optimizations could be done, and i found a post by Rseding91 who mentionned that pollutions affected chunks.
my debug screen indicated about 12k chunks active, which was funny because of a quick calculation indicated that i should not have more than a thousand (compact base at this point, and for setting up the megabase, i decided to spawn a couple of massive coper/iron fields on base, to be later replaced by expansions).
so i decided to reset the pollution to test
Code: Select all
/c local surface = game.local_player.surface; for coord in surface.get_chunks() do surface.pollute({coord.x * 32, coord.y * 32}, -10000000) end
after a few more hours of play, my fps started to tank again, and a reset of pollution cleared the problem right away.
I'm assuming the problem comes from iterating the chunks to calculate the pollution spread which affects biter behavior, but on a no-biter world, it is useless (apart maybe for aesthetics effects on trees).
could we have an option to disable pollution altogether to lighten the load on intensive maps ? or maybe just do it on no-biter worlds (so you don't have determinstic issues on MP) ?