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[1.1.46] Can't rejoin multiplayer games using the "continue" button on main menu.

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 2:08 pm
by credomane
I've been playing on a server recently and was using the continue button to just immediately hop back on to the server I'm playing on. Sadly I got COVID early/mid October, ended up in hospital, been over a month since I've felt like really doing anything but existing. I'm fine now btw, first thing in the mornings are still rough with keeping oxygen saturation up but after that I'm good; feeling about 85% back to my normal self.

Anyways, while I was out sick there have been a bunch of releases to Factorio so I dunno which version the continue button broke for rejoining a server.
  1. Launch Factorio
  2. Click "Continue: Join: [your server name]"
  3. Factorio says "connecting to the game..."
  4. After 5 seconds or so Factorio puts up a dialog "Could not to establish network communication with the server"
If I go to the public server browser I can see the server listed and join from there just fine. After getting into the game if I quit back to the main menu and use the "Continue" button it works now. At least until I quit Factorio and launch it again. Now the continue button is back to not working state again.

Re: [1.1.46] Can't rejoin multiplayer games using the "continue" button on main menu.

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 3:14 pm
by Loewchen
Post the log after a session with the issue please, see 3638.
Can you only not rejoin on the next day or after a while or is this even an issue when leaving, restarting the game and trying to join right away?

Re: [1.1.46] Can't rejoin multiplayer games using the "continue" button on main menu.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 1:48 am
by credomane
Here is a log from when I tried to join the MP game from the public server browser but the loaded mods differed. It wanted to sync mods I said, "yes sync mods and join on restart". Which then failed to connect to the server after the restart. After that I successfully joined the server from the public server browser.
(55.8 KiB) Downloaded 181 times

This log has 3 joins in it.
(67.91 KiB) Downloaded 172 times
First is a failure from the "continue" button on the main menu.
Second is a success from the public server browser.
Third is a success from the "continue" button because I had just left the server via previous join by the server browser.

Currently I have the game at the main menu and minimized. I'll see if the continue button still works in an hour or three. Then post another log.

Loewchen wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 3:14 pm Can you only not rejoin on the next day or after a while or is this even an issue when leaving, restarting the game and trying to join right away?
This is an issue the moment I launch Factorio. I've been playing on the "Reddit Monthly Community Map" server. If I launch Factorio then click the "Continue" button to rejoin that game server it will fail. However if I join the server from the public server browser then I can connect just fine. This wasn't an issue in whatever version of Factorio was the stable version around 2 months ago. The "continue" button would rejoin the server just fine then.

This is only a problem when first launching factorio. After I join the server from the public server browser I can rejoin the server from the "continue" button until I quit factorio and launch it again.

I brief look at the logs it seems to me the when I join a server the first time from the server browser there is an "auth ticket" between the factorio client and the Wube servers. When looking at the failed join attempt from the "continue" button I don't see this "auth ticket" procedure happenings. Perhaps that got broken somehow?

Re: [1.1.46] Can't rejoin multiplayer games using the "continue" button on main menu.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 2:07 am
by Loewchen
It works fine for me, is this the only server you have this issue with?

Re: [1.1.46] Can't rejoin multiplayer games using the "continue" button on main menu.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 3:38 am
by credomane
After about and hour and a 1/2 the "continue" button still works if I don't quit Factorio.

Loewchen wrote: Mon Nov 22, 2021 2:07 am It works fine for me, is this the only server you have this issue with?
This is actually the only server I play on anymore. Once upon a time there were others but they are gone now. :(
Suppose I could try setting up a server tomorrow and see if I have the same issues then.