Author: NathGamer
Mod Version: 4.0103.17
Mod Stage: Beta
Factorio Version: 0.17.x
Tested With Version: 0.17.79
Dependencies: Base, FactorioExtended-Core
Website: Factorio Mod Portal
GitHub: NathGamer GitHub
Licence: CC BY-NC 4.0
Description: Adds more tiers of items and research to the game.
Factrio Extended 0.4.1 now here!
There is a FAQ section below, please look there before asking any questions.
Please Backup Your Game Before Updating To A New Version.
March 19, 2020 - Sorry for the long wait! I am working on a new update and the Core & Transport modules are already released on the official Factorio Mod page. If you have any issues please email me at to get help the fastest!
Old News and Announcements
January 9, 2017 - I have read some of your bug reports and the biggest one I got was about the old items not updating to the new items. I am sorry about that I forgot to add the new migration files.
This link is for the transport migration and this link is for the equipment migration. To make these work just open the corisponding mod in your mods folder and drop these into the migrations folder. The Equipment module doesn't have a migrations folder so create one outside of the mod folder and place it in the same place as the one in the transport module. Sorry for this mistake, it was very late when I finished getting the mod updated.Please keep the bug reports coming so I can get everything fixed up soon.
January 6, 2017 - Hi Everyone, I have now done a major update of the mod for Factorio version 0.16.x. This version 0.3.1 is more stable and can now be safely used in survival saves. I will hopefully get a chance to add some more content and get to all of your bug reports soon. Have fun engineers.
January 3, 2017 - FE 0.3.0 ported version with a few small tweaks is now out for all to use. I am not sure how stable it is for it hasn't been tested. I am working on getting everything fully updated within the next few days so if you are thinking of starting a new game please wait for I will be adding new content and making changes to old content to make sure everything is still balanced with the vanilla game. As well I am working on HD textures it just will take some time they should be in the next update.
January 2, 2017 - Hi Everyone, I know I have been away for some time now. I have been very busy in my personal life. Things have started to slow down now and I am working on an update for 0.16.x.
It should be out within the next few days so stay tuned. Hope you all had a great holiday season and I wish you all a happy New Years!
July 13, 2017 - Dear followers, over the next week I will be fixing the issues and updating some of the current content in my mods. If you have any suggestions or know of any issues please send me an email or pm so I can fix them within this next update. I look forward to all of your help.
May 10, 2017 - Hi Everyone, Factorio Extended 0.2.8 is here and has the fixes from some of the issues that occurred with version 0.2.7. I hope that this is all of them but if you find more please let me know so I can fix it as soon as possible. As well I should have time soon to update this forum so all the data is correct on the items and technologies from all the updates.
May 1, 2017 - The biggest update yet is here. The 0.15.x release is here and Factorio Extended has upgraded to match its glory with Factorio Extended version 0.2.7. This update has tonnes of changes and additions please see the changelog for all the details and hope you all have fun building your factories. I will update this forum soon when I get some time to reflect the changes and added items.
April 28, 2017 - I am working on the 0.15.x verson there are quite a few changes that affect this mod and I need to account for all of them.
April 15, 2017 - Sorry small error in the code in the power mod component. Please re-download from the link below in the downloads tab.
April 14, 2017 - Version 0.2.5 has arrived. For a list of changes please see the changelog below. Thank you to all
who helped by sending me your ideas and problems so they could be added.
October 11, 2016 - Uploaded Storage Component 0.2.3. It as higher tiers of chests and I might add other items in the future. It is currently in BETA.
October 6, 2016 - Uploaded mod version 0.2.3. A few fixes to things that were broken.
September 9, 2016 - Updated to version 0.14.x Experimental. No big additions just a port with a few tidbits for you. Bigger update coming soon.
August 15, 2016 - I am back I will be working on the next update soon.
July 11, 2016 - I am taking a small break before updating to version 0.2.1. It should only be a couple of weeks but just want you all to know.
July 9, 2016 - Updated to 0.13.6! All the components of the mod will be available as I finish them on the Factorio Mod Website(link above). This way you can download the mod straight from your game instead of needing to come to the forum all the time. The downloads will still be available here in-case you wish to use the links here. Secondly, the 0.2.1 update will have a bunch of new items for you to play with so get excited. I know that I said this was the biggest update since the original release and I didn't lie. It was a lot of work the last few days updating and I am still not done. All the components should be out as a full release within the next day or so and there are a few new items even for you to play with while I work on the next update. Everything should be re-balanced to mirror the changes in Vanilla Factorio if you find a problem please let me know. Your feedback is always appreciated. Finally, the changelog down below will be updated as well as I upload the different mod sections so if you are wondering what has changed please refer to that.
July 6, 2016 - Added the Transport and Weapons components(version 0.1.7) in the downloads tab. Please keep in mind that these are mostly direct ports from the 0.1.5 version so little to nothing has changed.
Secondly, I will be updating and cleaning up the forum for ease of use over the next week or so.
July 4, 2016 - Updated to 0.13.x Experimental.
June 28, 2016 - I have decided to not update until the 0.13.x is released for the sake that I would rather not add a whole bunch more stuff just to need to re-code everything later.
May 17, 2016 - After the next couple mod updates there will be a short wait period. This is because I would like to do any further updates on Factorio Version 0.13.x. This might be a big update for modders and I may need to do a lot of re-coding so please be patient after the 0.1.9 mod update. The following iteration will be 0.2.0 signifying that the mod has moved past the BETA stage. I will not add tonnes of new content but will continue to make sure that the mod is in working condition and that the mod is up to date with the current new items in the game if they so are added. Furthermore, I may still tweak the balancing, later on, to make things a little more, well balanced. Thank you for using my mod and game on.
May 16, 2016 - Sorry for not updating earlier was very busy with life. Here is the newest update. It is not much but balancing and some bug fixes. The download is in the Downloads Tab below.
March 1, 2016 - The mod is now separated into different components. The Core component is required for every other component of the mod. The Implemented Items tab shows what items you will get from each component of the mod. You can download the complete mod from the links below here or use the mediafire link at the top of the post to download the desired components. Hope you all enjoy. Let me know if you have any issues or if you have any suggestions.
Contact Me:
Email Address:
Please use the following Subject lines in you email to allow proper attention to your issue/suggestion.
[Bug Report] = You found a bug and wish to report it so it can be fixed in a later patch.
[Mod Balance Request] = You feel something in the mod is over/under powered and wish for it to be changed.
[Feature Request] = You wish to ask for a feature to be added to the mod(This is my choice in the end).
[Mod Question] = You are confused about something in the mod and need an answer.
0.1.9 Release and on can be found here:
Previous to 0.1.9 Release can be found here: ... d_Versions
0.1.9 Release and on can be found here:
Previous to 0.1.9 Release can be found here: ... d_Versions
Long Description
This mod expands upon the base game. It adds more tiers for each item to the game as well as one new material called titanium. Titanium is not a mine-able ore, you must craft it after getting the required research.
I played lots of Factorio but always felt like there should be more and better things to use, now there is.
If you are wondering what is in this mod please move your attention to the Implemented Items tab where all the items in the mod are shown. The mod is separated into multiple parts for the user's convenience. This way you can download only the parts of the mod you wish to use. The FacotrioBasics-Core is required then after that you can pick and choose. Please notice that this mod does not change/alter any VANILLA game mechanics. This is so you can just keep playing from where you left off or start a new game, it's up to you.
I hope you all enjoy they mod and if you have any suggestions please let me know. As well I have a GitHub account linked at the top of this forum so if you find any bugs please report them there.
I played lots of Factorio but always felt like there should be more and better things to use, now there is.
If you are wondering what is in this mod please move your attention to the Implemented Items tab where all the items in the mod are shown. The mod is separated into multiple parts for the user's convenience. This way you can download only the parts of the mod you wish to use. The FacotrioBasics-Core is required then after that you can pick and choose. Please notice that this mod does not change/alter any VANILLA game mechanics. This is so you can just keep playing from where you left off or start a new game, it's up to you.
I hope you all enjoy they mod and if you have any suggestions please let me know. As well I have a GitHub account linked at the top of this forum so if you find any bugs please report them there.
Implemented Items
This is a list of all the currently implemented items in the mod.
All items in blue are vanilla Factorio items so you can compare and contrast.
All items in blue are vanilla Factorio items so you can compare and contrast.
Fast Inserter (Extention-Speed: 0.07, Rotation-Speed: 0.04, Energy-Consumption: 46kW, Smart-Functionality: False)
-Blistering Inserter (Extention-Speed: 0.09, Rotation-Speed: 0.07, Energy-Consumption: 48kW, Smart-Functionality: False)
-Furious Inserter (Extention-Speed: 0.12, Rotation-Speed: 0.10, Energy-Consumption: 66kW, Smart-Functionality: False)
Long Handed Inserter (Extention-Speed: 0.0457, Rotation-Speed: 0.02, Energy-Consumption: 20kW, Smart-Functionality: False)
-FuriousLong Handed Inserter (Extention-Speed: 0.12, Rotation-Speed: 0.10, Energy-Consumption: 72kW, Smart-Functionality: False)
-FilterLong Handed Inserter (Extention-Speed: 0.08, Rotation-Speed: 0.04, Energy-Consumption: 48kW, Smart-Functionality: True)
Express Transport Belt (Speed: 40 items/s)
-Rapid Transport Belt Mk1 (Speed: 53.33 items/s)
-Rapid Transport Belt Mk2 (Speed: 66.67 items/s)
Express Underground Belt (Speed: 40 items/s, Max Distance: 5)
-Rapid Underground Belt Mk1 (Speed: 53.33 items/s, Max Distance: 10)
-Rapid Underground Belt Mk2 (Speed: 66.67 items/s, Max Distance: 20)
Express Splitter (Speed: 40 items/s)
-Rapid Splitter Mk1 (Speed: 53.33 items/s)
-Rapid Splitter Mk2 (Speed: 66.67 items/s)
Pipe (Storage: 1, Health: 100)
-Pipe Mk2 (Storage: 2, Health: 200)
Pipe To Ground (Storage: 1, Health: 100, Max Distance: 10)
-Pipe To Ground Mk2 (Storage: 2, Health: 200, Max Distance: 20)
Storage Tank(Storage: 25k, Health: 500)
-Storage Tank Mk2 (Storage: 100k, Health: 2000)
Small Pump (Pumping Speed: 12k/s, Health: 180, Energy-Consumption: 30kW)
-Small Pump Mk2 (Pumping Speed: 24k/s, Health: 360, Energy-Consumption: 60kW)
Accumulator (Max Capacity: 5MJ, Max Input/Output: 300kW)
-Accumulator Mk2 (Max Capacity: 20MJ, Max Input/Output: 1.2kW)
-Accumulator Mk3 (Max Capacity: 80MJ, Max Input/Output: 4.8MW)
Solar Panel (Max Power Output: 60kW)
-Solar Panel Mk2 (Max Power Output: 240kW)
-Solar Panel Mk3 (Max Power Output: 960kW)
Medium Electric Pole (Supply Area: 7x7, Wire Reach: 9)
-Medium Electric Pole Mk2 (Supply Area: 9x9, Wire Reach: 11)
-Medium Electric Pole Mk3 (Supply Area: 11x11, Wire Reach: 13)
Big Electric Pole Mk2 (Supply Area: 4x4, Wire Reach: 30)
-Big Electric Pole Mk2 (Supply Area: 4x4, Wire Reach: 40)
-Big Electric Pole Mk3 (Supply Area: 4x4, Wire Reach: 60)
Substation (Supply Area: 18x18, Wire Reach: 18)
-Substation Mk2 (Supply Area: 28x28, Wire Reach: 28)
-Substation Mk3 (Supply Area: 42x42, Wire Reach: 42)
Steam Engine (Max Output: 900 kW, Fluid Consumption: 30/s, Max Temp: 165)
-Steam Engine Mk2 (Max Output: 1.8MW, Fluid Consumption: 60/s, Max Temp: 165)
-Steam Engine Mk3 (Max Output: 9.0 MW, Fluid Consumption: 120/s, Max Temp: 165)
Steam Turbine (Max Output: 5.8 MW, Fluid Consumption: 60/s, Max Temp: 500)
-Steam Turbine Mk2 (Max Output: 11 MW, Fluid Consumption: 120/s, Max Temp: 500)
-Steam Turbine Mk3 (Max Output: 23 MW, Fluid Consumption: 240/s, Max Temp: 500)
Boiler (Energy Consumption: 3.6 MW, Efficiency: 50 %)
-Boiler Mk2 (Energy Consumption: 3.6 MW, Efficiency: 100%)
-Boiler Mk3 (Energy Consumption: 1.4 MW, Efficiency: 500%)
Heat Exchanger (Energy Consumption: 10 MW)
-Heat Exchanger Mk2 (Energy Consumption: 24 MW)
-Heat Exchanger Mk3 (Energy Consumption: 47 MW)
*Note: Boiler and Heat Exchanger Energy Consumption is not off the power grid but from material resources.
Roboport (Supply Area: 50, Construction Area: 110, Max Health: 500)
-Roboport Mk2 (Supply Area: 75, Construction Area: 150, Max Health: 750)
-Roboport Mk3 (Supply Area: 100, Construction Area: 200, Max Health: 1000)
Logistics Robot (Carry Capacity: 1, Max Health: 100, Speed: 0.18, Energy Consumption: 3.0kW+5kJ/m)
-Logistics Robot Mk2 (Carry Capacity: 3, Max Health: 200, Speed: 0.05, Energy Consumption: 3.0kW+8kJ/m)
Construction Robot (Carry Capacity: 1, Max Health: 100, Speed: 0.06, Energy Consumption: 3.0kW+5kJ/m)
-Construction Robot Mk2 (Carry Capacity: 3, Max Health: 200, Speed: 0.18, Energy Consumption: 3.0kW+8kJ/m)
Diesel Locomotive (Max Speed: 1.2)
-Diesel Locomotive Mk2 (Max Speed: 1.5)
-Diesel Locomotive Mk3 (Max Speed: 2)
Cargo Wagon (Inventory Size: 40, Max Health: 600)
-Cargo Wagon Mk2 (Inventory Size: 60, Max Health: 1200)
-Cargo Wagon Mk3 (Inventory Size: 100, Max Health: 2400)
Fluid Wagon (Inventory Size: 25k, Max Health: 600)
-Fluid Wagon Mk2 (Inventory Size: 100k, Max Health: 1200)
-Fluid Wagon Mk3 (Inventory Size: 400k, Max Health: 1800)
Power Armor Mk2 (Durability: 20000, Grid Size: 10x10)
-Power Armor Mk3 (Durability: 25000, Grid Size: 13x13)
-Power Armor Mk4 (Durability: 30000, Grid Size: 15x15)
Fusion Reactor (Max Power Output: 750kW)
-Fusion Reactor Mk2 (Max Power Output: 2.8MW)
Energy Shield Mk2 (Dimensions: 2x2, Energy Consumption: 360kW, Shield: 150, Energy Per Unit: 30kJ, Max Recharge Speed: 360)
-Energy Shield Mk3 (Dimensions: 2x2, Energy Consumption: 480kW, Shield: 450, Energy Per Unit: 40kJ, Max Recharge Speed: 360)
Battery Mk2 (Dimensions: 1x2, Energy Capacity:100MJ)
-Battery Mk3 (Dimensions: 1x2, Energy Capacity: 2.0GJ)
Personal Roboport Mk2 (Dimensions: 2x2, Robot Recharge Rate: 2 x 1.0MW, Internal Buffer Recharge Rate: 73.5MW,
Robot Limit: 25, Charging Stations: 4, Construction Area: 40x40)
-Personal Roboport Mk3 (Dimensions: 2x2, Robot Recharge Rate: 8 x 1.0 MW, Internal Buffer Recharge Rate: 3.5MW,
Robot Limit: 50, Charging Stations: 8, Construction Area: 50x50)
Electric Furnace (Power Consumption: 180kW, Crafting Speed: 2)
-Electrical Furnace Mk2 (Power Consumption: 200kW, Crafting Speed: 3)
-Electrical Furnace Mk3 (Power Consumption: 220kW, Crafting Speed: 4)
Assembling Machine 3 (Power Consumption: 210kW, Crafting Speed: 1.25)
-Assembling Machine 4 (Power Consumption: 270kW, Crafting Speed: 2)
-Assembling Machine 5 (Power Consumption: 330kW, Crafting Speed: 3)
Oil Refinery (Power Consumption: 420kW, Crafting Speed: 1)
-Oil Refinery Mk2 (Power Consumption: 420kW, Crafting Speed: 2)
-Oil Refinery Mk3 (Power Consumption: 500kW, Crafting Speed: 4)
Centrifuge (Power Consumption: 350kW, Crafting Speed: 0.75)
-Centrifuge Mk2 (Power Consumption: 450kW, Crafting Speed: 1)
-Centrifuge Mk3 (Power Consumption: 550kW, Crafting Speed: 1.5)
Chemical Plant (Power Consumption: 420kW, Crafting Speed: 1)
-Chemical Plant Mk2 (Power Consumption: 250kW, Crafting Speed: 2)
-Chemical Plant Mk3 (Power Consumption: 290kW, Crafting Speed: 3)
Pumpjack (Energy-Consumption: 90kW)
-Pumpjack Mk2 (Energy Consumption: 120kW)
Radar (Distance: 1x, Energy-Consumption: 300kW)
-Radar Mk2 (Distance: 2x, Energy Consumption: 350kW)
Electric Mining Drill (Mining Power: 3, Mining Speed: 0.5, Mining Area: 5x5, Energy-Consumption: 90kW)
-Electric Mining Drill Mk2 (Mining Power: 6, Mining Speed: 1, Mining Area: 7x7, Energy-Consumption: 180kW)
Steel Chest (Health: 350, Storage Size: 48)
-Titanium Chest (Health: 500, Storage Size: 96)
Logistic Chest PP (Health: 150, Storage Size: 48)
-Titanium Logistic Chest PP (Health: 500, Storage Size: 96)
Logistic Chest AP (Health: 150, Storage Size: 48)
-Titanium Logistic Chest AP (Health: 500, Storage Size: 96)
Logistic Chest Storage (Health: 150, Storage Size: 48)
-Titanium Logistic Chest Storage (Health: 500, Storage Size: 96)
Logistic Chest Requester (Health: 150, Storage Size: 48)
-Titanium Logistic Chest Requester (Health: 500, Storage Size: 96)
Gun Turret (Health: 400, Range: 18, Shooting-Speed: 10 + 15/s, Damage-Bonus: +0%)
-Gun Turret Mk2 (Health: 800, Range: 25, Shooting-Speed: 20 + 30/s, Damage-Bonus: +100%)
Laser Turret (Health: 1000, Range: 25, Shooting-Speed: 3 + 6.6/s, Energy-Consumption: 2.4MW, Damages: 20 + 88 Laser, Damage-Bonus: 4)
-Laser Turret Mk2 (Health: 2000, Range: 25, Shooting-Speed: 6 + 13.2/s, Energy-Consumption: 2.4MW, Damage: 40 + 176 Laser, Damage-Bonus: 8)
Piercing Rounds Magazine (Damage: 8 + 19.2 Physical, Magazine-Size: 10)
-Shattering Rounds Magazine (Damage: 48 + 134.4 Physical, Magazine-Size: 20)
Piercing Shotgun Shell (Damage: 16 x (6 + 7.2 Physical), Magazine-Size: 10)
-Shattering Shotgun Shell (Damage: 20 x (8 + 22.4 Physical), Magazine-Size: 20)
Stone Wall (Health:350)
-Iron Wall (Health:700)
-Steel Wall (Health:1400)
-Titanium Wall (Health:2800)
Gate (Health:350)
-Iron Gate (Health:700)
-Steel Gate (Health:1400)
-Titanium Gate (Health:2800)
Implemented Technologies
-Titanium Processing (Unlocks: Titanium Ore, Titanium Plate)
-Logistical Engineer 1 (Unlocks: Roboport Mk2, Logistics Robot Mk2, Construction Robot Mk2)
-Logistical Engineer 2 (Unlocks: Roboport Mk3)
-Transport Engineer 1 (Unlocks: Cargo Wagon Mk2, Rapid Inserter/Transport Belt/Underground Belt/Slitter Mk1)
-Transport Engineer 2 (Unlocks: Cargo Wagon Mk3, Rapid Inserter/Transport Belt/Underground Belt/Slitter Mk2)
-Electrical Engineer 1 (Unlocks: Solar Panel Mk2, Accumulator Mk2, Substation Mk2, Big Electric Poles Mk2, Medium Electric Poles Mk2)
-Electrical Engineer 2 (Unlocks: Solar Panel Mk3, Accumulator Mk3, Substation Mk3, Big Electric Poles Mk3, Medium Electric Poles Mk3)
-Mechanical Engineer 1 (Unlocks: Electrical Furnace Mk2, Assembling Plant 4, Oil Refinery Mk2, Chemical Plant Mk2, Radar Mk2, Electric Mining Drill Mk2)
-Mechanical Engineer 2 (Unlocks: Electrical Furnace Mk3, Assembling Plant 5, Oil Refinery Mk3, Chemical Plant Mk3)
-Power Armor 3 (Unlocks: Power Armor Mk3, Fusion Reactor Mk2, Energy Shield Mk3, Battery Mk3, Roboport Mk2)
-Fluid Handling 2 (Unlocks: Storage Tank Mk2, Small Pump Mk2)
-Turrets 2 (Unlocks: Gun Turret Mk2, Laser Turret Mk2, Shattering Bullet Magazine, Shattering Shotgun Shell)
-Robot Speed 6 (Modified: 0.75)
-Robot Speed 7 (Modified: 1.00)
-Robot Speed 8 (Modified: 1.25)
-Robot Speed 9 (Modified: 1.50)
-Robot Speed 10 (Modified: 1.75)
-Robot Speed 11 (Modified: 2.00)
-Robot Storage 5 (Modified: +1)
-Robot Storage 6 (Modified: +1)
-Robot Storage 7 (Modified: +1)
-Robot Storage 8 (Modified: +1)
-Robot Storage 9 (Modified: +1)
-Logistic Trash Slot 3 (Modified: +5)
-Logistic Trash Slot 4 (Modified: +5)
-Titanium Processing (Unlocks: Titanium Ore, Titanium Plate)
-Logistical Engineer 1 (Unlocks: Roboport Mk2, Logistics Robot Mk2, Construction Robot Mk2)
-Logistical Engineer 2 (Unlocks: Roboport Mk3)
-Transport Engineer 1 (Unlocks: Cargo Wagon Mk2, Rapid Inserter/Transport Belt/Underground Belt/Slitter Mk1)
-Transport Engineer 2 (Unlocks: Cargo Wagon Mk3, Rapid Inserter/Transport Belt/Underground Belt/Slitter Mk2)
-Electrical Engineer 1 (Unlocks: Solar Panel Mk2, Accumulator Mk2, Substation Mk2, Big Electric Poles Mk2, Medium Electric Poles Mk2)
-Electrical Engineer 2 (Unlocks: Solar Panel Mk3, Accumulator Mk3, Substation Mk3, Big Electric Poles Mk3, Medium Electric Poles Mk3)
-Mechanical Engineer 1 (Unlocks: Electrical Furnace Mk2, Assembling Plant 4, Oil Refinery Mk2, Chemical Plant Mk2, Radar Mk2, Electric Mining Drill Mk2)
-Mechanical Engineer 2 (Unlocks: Electrical Furnace Mk3, Assembling Plant 5, Oil Refinery Mk3, Chemical Plant Mk3)
-Power Armor 3 (Unlocks: Power Armor Mk3, Fusion Reactor Mk2, Energy Shield Mk3, Battery Mk3, Roboport Mk2)
-Fluid Handling 2 (Unlocks: Storage Tank Mk2, Small Pump Mk2)
-Turrets 2 (Unlocks: Gun Turret Mk2, Laser Turret Mk2, Shattering Bullet Magazine, Shattering Shotgun Shell)
-Robot Speed 6 (Modified: 0.75)
-Robot Speed 7 (Modified: 1.00)
-Robot Speed 8 (Modified: 1.25)
-Robot Speed 9 (Modified: 1.50)
-Robot Speed 10 (Modified: 1.75)
-Robot Speed 11 (Modified: 2.00)
-Robot Storage 5 (Modified: +1)
-Robot Storage 6 (Modified: +1)
-Robot Storage 7 (Modified: +1)
-Robot Storage 8 (Modified: +1)
-Robot Storage 9 (Modified: +1)
-Logistic Trash Slot 3 (Modified: +5)
-Logistic Trash Slot 4 (Modified: +5)
Please note that this list is not permanent and may not be completely accurate.
Upcoming Updates:
Upcoming Updates:
- Offshore Pump Mk2
- Bobs Mods Integration
- Portable Solar Panel Mk2
- Exo Skeleton Mk2
- Inserter Stack Bonus Increases
- Robots Mk3
- Compressed Coal
- Aircraft Vehicle ??Maybe??
Change Log for 0.3.1
-HD Textures to all alvaliable items/blocks
-(Storage) Buffer Chest
-(Power) Reduced Big Electric Pole range due to new game limits
-(Trains) Trains are now a separate module due to file size
-(Storage) Chest Stats
-(Power) Heath Adjusted for (Accumulator Mk2/3, Solar Panel Mk2/3, Substations Mk2/3, Steam Engine Mk2, Steam Turbine Mk3, Boiler Mk3 and Heat Exchanger Mk3)
-(Machines) Adjusted Heath and Energy Use for (Electric Furnaces Mk2/3, Centrifuges Mk2/3, Oil Refineries Mk2/3, Chemical Plant Mk2/3 and Mining Drill Mk2)
-(Logistics) Robots power increased slightly to be more balanced
-All textures now have item-size added according to Vanilla update
-Updated some technologies more will be updated in the next updates
-Unbalance issues with Machines, Weapons, Robots, Transportation, Trains, and Power Generations/Storage to be more balanced with Vanilla update changes
-(Power) Accumulator animations switching between vanilla and modded textures
-(Forum) Implemented Items Tab is now completely up-to-date
-HD Textures to all alvaliable items/blocks
-(Storage) Buffer Chest
-(Power) Reduced Big Electric Pole range due to new game limits
-(Trains) Trains are now a separate module due to file size
-(Storage) Chest Stats
-(Power) Heath Adjusted for (Accumulator Mk2/3, Solar Panel Mk2/3, Substations Mk2/3, Steam Engine Mk2, Steam Turbine Mk3, Boiler Mk3 and Heat Exchanger Mk3)
-(Machines) Adjusted Heath and Energy Use for (Electric Furnaces Mk2/3, Centrifuges Mk2/3, Oil Refineries Mk2/3, Chemical Plant Mk2/3 and Mining Drill Mk2)
-(Logistics) Robots power increased slightly to be more balanced
-All textures now have item-size added according to Vanilla update
-Updated some technologies more will be updated in the next updates
-Unbalance issues with Machines, Weapons, Robots, Transportation, Trains, and Power Generations/Storage to be more balanced with Vanilla update changes
-(Power) Accumulator animations switching between vanilla and modded textures
-(Forum) Implemented Items Tab is now completely up-to-date
Known Bugs - NONE
Problem With Recipes
Q:Why does the change log say the recipe is fixed but it has not changed in my game save.
A:The game looks once for recipes when a mod is first added and then never looks again unless prompted to. I must have missed a recipe when making the migration scripts. Just enter the code below into the in-game console and it should be fixed.Code: Select all
/c for i, player in ipairs(game.players) do player.force.reset_recipes() end
Q:Why can't I get Titanium Ore / Plates
A:The Titanium Ore recipe is done in the chemical plant. You then take the ore to a furnace and the recipe requires 3 ore for 1 plate in return.
Problem With Technology
Q:Why does the change log say the technology has changed but in my game it hasn't.
A:The game looks once for technology recipes and then never looks again unless prompted to. I must have missed a technology when making my migration scripts. Just enter the code below into the in-game console and it should be fixed.Code: Select all
/c for i, player in ipairs(game.players) do player.force.reset_technologies() end
Getting Error When I Start The Game
Q:I am getting an error when I start the game and I don't know what to do?
A:Please double check and make sure that you have the corresponding mod version to Factorio version. If the problem persists please let me know.
Version History
0.1.9 Release and on can be found here:
Previous to 0.1.9 Release can be found here: ... d_Versions
-Oil Refinery textures
-Belt Stack size to 100 to match the update
-Texture Sizes not matching coded sizes
-Flames on some machines not working properly
-Mini Machines mod not working with Machines Component
-Squeak Through mod not working with Machines Component
-Locale issues
-Technology inconsistency
-Steam engines requiring water instead of steam
-Power pole sizes being off
-Boiler Mk2 / Mk3
-Steam Engine Mk3
-Code from new update to Locomotives and Wagons to support 0.15.x update and HD Textures
-Fluid Wagon Mk2 / Mk3
-Iron and Titanium Walls and Gates
-Technologies for new Walls and Gates
-Titanium ore and plate recipes changes to make it more balanced
-Increased Accumulators health
-Steam Engine and Boilers stats for balancing hoping they are good this time
-Reinforced Walls and Gates are now Steel Walls and Gates
-Textures are now in their corresponding Mod Component to allow easier editing of textures in the future
-Some textures were updated to match the texture changes of the 0.15.x update
-Some HD Textures for some items were added
-Increased Electric Mining Drill Mk2 radius to a 7x7 instead of 5x5
-Solar Panels are now fast replaceable with each other
-Removed Alien components from all things and replaced with the corresponding item (Recipes, Technologies, etc)
-The names of items and technologies not working properly or at all
-Cargo Wagon Mk3 from being red to blue to match the rest of the mod
-Some textures being purple and not blue to match the rest of the mod
-Power usage requirements for some Machines being not correct
-Steam Engine Mk2
-Repair Packs mk2/3 now require research to aquire.
-Cargo Wagons now match the vailla models again.
-Accumulators are hotswapable with each other. (Trying to get solar panels to do the same but is proving difficult).
-Some textures not being properly sized.
-Collision box on walls being to big.
-Lots of items and research not having names in-game.
-Some small code changed to make the mod run smoother.
-Storage Module to download.
-Pumpjack Mk2 now requires Mechanical Engineer Mk1.
-Power Armor Mk3 has a grid again.
-Cargo wagons should sit on the track properly now.
-German and some other partial translations for people who speak other languages.
-Updated to version 0.14.x
-Titanium will now be different from other mods similar metals.
-Roboports now have logistic connections for wires.
-Mk2/3 Repair Packs
-Titanium Axe
-Reinforced Walls/Gates
-Pumpjack Mk2
-UPDATED to 0.13.x
-Re-Balanced Power Armor Mk3
-Re-Balanced Substation/Medium Electric Poles
-Shattering Ammo Recipes
-Accumulator Mk2 Max Input/Output Energy + 600kW
-Titanium Recipes
-Long Handed Inserter Recipes
-Mk2/3 Locomotives are now re-color-able
-Re-Balanced Robots & Roboports
-Storage Tanks not have hot-swap capability
-In-Game Tab not having name
-Re-Balanced Equipment to mirror 0.13.x update
-Smart Long Handed Inserter being slower than the Fast variant
-Storage Tank wire connection being in the wrong spot
-Locomotive/Cargo Wagon Size and spacing to mirror the 0.13.x update
PORTED 0.1.5(0.12.x) to 0.1.7(0.13.x)
-Added Pollution Filter
-Added Electric Mining Drill Mk.2
-Changed some recipes for balancing.
-Changed Medium Pole Supply Area and Wire Reach to make them less op. As well changed the recipes to reflect this change.
-Fixed the Mk.3 Electric Furnace to have 900 health instead of the measly 300 it previously had.
-Changed the Mk.2 Splitter to only require 4 lubricant instead of 8 like the Mk.3.
-Changed the pollution on some machines to make them more effiecient.
-Removed the Surveillance Radar. It was not working as I intended, might revisit the idea in the future.
-Removed vehicles. The tank was causing some issues to I decided to remove it for now. I will revisit the vehicles in a future update.
-Fixed the Mk.3 Electric Furnace to have 900 health instead of the measly 300 it previously had.
Added Items:
-Pipe Mk2
-Pipe To Ground Mk2
-Storage Tank Mk2
-Small Pump Mk2
-Tank Mk2
-Gun/Laser Turret Mk2
-Shattering Magazine/Shell
-Script for reloading recipes and technologies so you don't need to use the console.
Changed Items:
-Titanium Ore/Plate Recipe (It was really expensive after playing with it for while.)
-Machines Energy Usage (Changed the Mk3 Machines to use less energy. The recipe is a little more expensive now.)
-Some other recipes a little.
Fixed Items:
-Medium Power Poles Mk2 when picked up not giving the user the Mk1 varient.
-Inserters not being able to get quick replaced with another inserter.
-Equipment names not showing in the armor gui properly.
0.1.9 Release and on can be found here:
Previous to 0.1.9 Release can be found here: ... d_Versions