Name: Crafted Artifacts
Description: Adds new resource and recipes to allow player crafting of alien artifacts, useful for playing on peaceful mode.
License: No rights reserved
Version: 1.3.0
Release: 2016-04-24
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.30
Category: SimpleExtension
Download: Mod Portal Older Versions
Deutsch, English, Magyar, 日本語, Polski, Українська
This mod adds rare earth ore, coloured purple (and dark purple on the minimap). Deposits are infrequent, small, and not very rich (10-100 ore per tile).
Process 5 ore with 2 copper plates, 1 sulfuric acid and 5 water to produce 1 superconductor. Combine 5 superconductors with 5 plastic bars to craft 2 superconducting wires. 4 superconducting wires and one processing unit make an alien artifact. All recipes are unlocked through researching "Alien technology".
Abundance is somewhat configurable when creating a new game.
Rare earth ore can be disabled by editing data.lua and setting USE_CUSTOM_ORE to false. In this case, rare earth will not be generated and instead superconductors will be crafted from 10 stone, 5 iron plates, 2 copper plates, 1 sulfuric acid and 5 water. This gives a total requirement of 100 stone per artifact. This should make it easier to add this mod to existing games, as well as working better with RSO.
As of 0.13 the custom ore defaults to off. Extract the mod zip and edit data.lua if you wish to turn it on.
If GDIW is present, a version of the superconductor recipe with mirrored fluid inputs will also be available.
There's also an optional extra mod to re-texture and re-name alien artifacts into "Advanced processing units" (purple circuits), without changing any recipes that use them.
More info and download here.
Pictures (with Artifact Retexture)