Type: Mod
Name: Side Inserters
Description: Adds left- and right-sided versions of all base inserters
License: No rights reserved
Version: 1.0.8
Release: 2016-04-29
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.31
Category: SimpleExtension
Tags: Inserter
Download: Mod Portal Older Versions
Deutsch, English, Español, 日本語, Русский
For each type of inserter (burner/basic/long-handed/fast/smart), this mod adds a left and right variant. Left variants place objects 90 degrees clockwise from the pickup location, right variants 90 degrees anticlockwise.
Crafting a side inserter requires only a single standard inserter of the same type, and mining a side inserter drops the standard version, for maximum flexibility. Side inserter recipes are unlocked alongside the standard versions.
0.13 Changes
As of 0.13 there are no more custom recipes, items or entities. Simply place any inserter, and press SHIFT + R with the cursor over it to cycle its pickup direction.
SHIFT + N toggles near/far inserting.
Example video
0.12 to 0.13 Migration
The changes in the 0.13 version of this mod are too complex for a simple migration script, so I've created a dedicated mod to migrate a save from 0.12 to 0.13. Inserter Migration is entirely independent of 0.13 Side Inserters, you do not need to remove or install Side Inserters before using Inserter Migration.
To use, simply install Inserter Migration, load your 0.12 world, and press SHIFT + K to upgrade all inserters within 10000 tiles of the player. You can change this distance by extracting the mod and editing the RANGE value in control.lua
Once you are satisfied your world is upgraded, save it. You may then uninstall the migration mod and continue with or without Side Inserters as you choose.
Migration Limitations
- Smart side inserters keep their filters, but they will lose wire connections. Sorry, I just couldn't find a sane way of keeping them - electric poles have a function to list all their wire-connected neighbours, but inserters don't
- Items currently held by side inserters will be lost - inserter hand contents are read-only
- Burner side inserters will keep their fuel inventory but fuel progress is lost, so they will all consume one piece of fuel when changed over
Near inserters also available!