For example: Inside the center of my factory should be nearly no reverb. The surround sound is too much, a reverb cannot be heard or if I put too much in, the reverb destroys the background noises and itself... At the edge of my factory I think some flatter-echo (I used most times ) sounds nice. When I go more outside, the sound changes to full reverb. I think in the forest the reverb sounds nice and it can go really deep into strange sound effects.
And with that in mind I created 3 layers of the same music, just with different effects. And when I mix it together and run around in my factory I was fascinated from the effect.
Here is the result of my experiments: ... rrestremix
To understand what I did, please look into the comments and explanations during the play.

Then please close the eyes (you are allowed to peek the comments

So this is the completely crazy idea: For (nearly every piece) we have more than one track with different effects. Dependend on the place where the character currently is (or what he does), these tracks (=the effects) are blended in and out. The differences between the tracks are just the room (space, reverb-type) they are in.
I would not be surprised, if others find this idea ... too much.

PS: I think I have made the error to remaster all 3 parts instead of remastering only the final result. But I think you can think this overmasterd parts away. If interested, I will redo it.