I did set the values of the lights by hand. Not sure how to start making a blueprint-string from a pixel matrix.
I was already happy with finding out how to split a gif in separate frames/images, how to get the pixel matrices of every unique image in a gif, and doing some modifications on the matrices.
FreeMat (a free tool comparable to matlab) did all the work.
and after the build was done, how to record your screen and make a gif from that to post on the forum.
That was all new for me.
I assigned the pixels I needed in the first unique image a value of 1 (if light is lid).
the pixels in the second a value of 2,
the third a value of 4,
fourth... 8,
and the fifth .. 16.
By adding all the matrices together I got the values I needed for the light.
If a pixel has a value of for example 13, then I send that signal for unique image one, three and four (because 1+4+8 = 13)
I have a clock counting from 0 to 9 (in red)
I have 10 non-unique frames and 5 unique images.
The green part gives me the value for at what count I need to show what unique image.
The blue part gives me the pixel nr (31 in total 1+2+4+8+16 = 31)
To show unique image one I send pixel nr
1, because 1 = 1
3, 1 + 2 = 3
5, 1 + 4 = 5
29, 1 + 4 + 8 + 16 = 29
31, 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 = 31
After figuring it all out, it was easy although a bit tedious to set the correct value to the lamps.
EDIT2: some typo's
EDIT3: I added the save file in a new comment below
EDIT4: using the newly added strikethrough function

"Woohoo!" This made the news post. For more lights and logic, but way more advanced; check out Combinator Game of Life by DaveMcW.