Combinator based Computer that calculates Prime Numbers

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Combinator based Computer that calculates Prime Numbers

Post by Hogdriver »

Hello Factorians,

i have created a very simple Computer using the new Combinators.

It's basically a Harvard Architecture with 4 registers (reg3-reg0, with reg0 being the instruction pointer), 160 Words of ROM, 80 Words of RAM and a few 7 Segment displays for IO. At the moment it runs at 2 Instructions per second but one might be able to speed it up a little bit by reducing some propagation delays.

This is the implemented instruction set:

Code: Select all

reset         reg3 = reg2 = reg1 = reg0 = 0
load0 #imm    reg0 = #imm
load1 #imm    reg1 = #imm
load2 #imm    reg2 = #imm
load3 #imm    reg3 = #imm
swap01        reg0 <-> reg1
swap02        reg0 <-> reg2
swap03        reg0 <-> reg3
swap12        reg1 <-> reg2
swap13        reg1 <-> reg3
swap23        reg2 <-> reg3
add           reg1 = reg1 + reg2
sub           reg1 = reg1 - reg2
mul           reg1 = reg1 * reg2
div           reg1 = reg1 / reg2
rem           reg1 = reg1 % reg2
jz #addr      if reg1 == 0 then reg0 = #addr
jnz #addr     if reg1 != 0 then reg0 = #addr
jlz #addr     if reg1 < 0 then reg0 = #addr
jgz #addr     if reg1 > 0 then reg0 = #addr
sti #addr     RAM[#addr] = reg1
st            RAM[reg3] = reg1
ldi #addr     reg1 = RAM[#addr]
ld            reg1 = RAM[reg3]
inc           reg1 = reg1 + 1
dec           reg1 = reg1 - 1
I wrote a simple assembler in LUA that translates my programs and fills the ROM (Constant Combinators) in the game:

Code: Select all

/c local source = "
load1 3\n
sti 2\n
load1 19\n
sti 4\n
ldi 2\n
sti 1001\n
load2 2\n
sti 3\n
ldi 3\n
sti 3\n
jz prime\n
ldi 2\n
jnz loop2\n
load0 notprime\n
ldi 4\n\n
sti 4\n
ldi 2\n
sti 1000\n
ldi 2\n
sti 2\n
load0 loop1\n
local instructions = {
   reset  = { a=0 },
   nop    = { a=1 },
   load0  = { a=2, args=1 },
   load1  = { a=3, args=1 },
   load2  = { a=4, args=1 },
   load3  = { a=5, args=1 },
   swap01 = { a=6 },
   swap02 = { a=7 },
   swap03 = { a=8 },
   swap12 = { a=9 },
   swap13 = { a=10 },
   swap23 = { a=11 },
   add    = { a=12 },
   sub    = { a=13 },
   mul    = { a=14 },
   div    = { a=15 },
   rem    = { a=16 },
   jz     = { a=17, args=1 },
   jnz    = { a=18, args=1 },
   jlz    = { a=19, args=1 },
   jgz    = { a=20, args=1 },
   sti    = { a=21, args=1 },
   st     = { a=22 },
   ldi    = { a=23, args=1 },
   ld     = { a=24 },
   inc    = { a=25 },
   dec    = { a=26 }
local code = {};
local labels = {};
function myprint(s)
function assembleSource(pass)
   local currentAddr = 0;
   for line in string.gmatch(source, "[^\n]+") do
      items = {}
      for item in string.gmatch(line, "[^%s]+") do
	 table.insert(items, item);
      while #items > 0 do
	 local item = items[1];
	 table.remove(items, 1);
	 if item then
	    if string.sub(item, 1, 1) == ";" then
	       items = {};
	       item = nil;
	 if item then
	    local labelEnd = string.find(item, ":");
	    if labelEnd then
	       local labelName = string.sub(item, 1, labelEnd-1);
	       if string.len(labelName) < 1 then error("invalid label"); end;
	       if pass == 1 then
		  if labels[labelName] then error("duplicate label"); end;
		  labels[labelName] = currentAddr;
	       item = nil;
	 if item then
	    local instruction = instructions[item];
	    if not instruction then
	       error("invalid instruction: " .. item);
	    local arguments = {};
	    if instruction.args then
	       for i=1,instruction.args,1 do
		  local argument = items[1];
		  if not argument then error("missing argument"); end;
		  table.remove(items, 1);
		  table.insert(arguments, argument);
	    if pass == 2 then
	       c = {};
	       table.insert(c, instruction.a);
	       while #arguments > 0 do
		  local argument = arguments[1];
		  table.remove(arguments, 1);
		  if tonumber(argument) then
		     table.insert(c, tonumber(argument));
		     if not labels[argument] then error("unknown label:" .. argument); end;
		     table.insert(c, labels[argument]);
	       code[currentAddr] = c;
	    currentAddr = currentAddr + 1;
function setResetEntity(entity, active)
   local cond = entity.get_circuit_condition(1);
   for i=1,15,1 do cond.parameters[i] = { signal={type="item"}, count=1, index=i }; end;
   if active then cond.parameters[1] = { signal={type="virtual", name="signal-red"}, count=1, index=1 }; end;
   entity.set_circuit_condition(1, cond);
function setReset(reset, active)
   local entities = game.player.surface.find_entities_filtered({area={{reset.x,reset.y},{reset.x,reset.y}}, name="constant-combinator"});
   if not entities or #entities < 1 then error("no constant-combinator at " .. reset.x .. " " .. reset.y); end;
   if #entities ~= 1 then error("found more than one constant-combinator at " .. reset.x .. " " .. reset.y); end;
   for index, entity in ipairs(entities) do
      setResetEntity(entity, active);
function setInstructionEntity(entity, a, b, c)
   local cond = entity.get_circuit_condition(1);
   for i=1,15,1 do cond.parameters[i] = { signal={type="item"}, count=1, index=i }; end;
   if a then cond.parameters[1] = { signal={type="virtual", name="signal-A"}, count=a, index=1 }; end;
   if b then cond.parameters[2] = { signal={type="virtual", name="signal-B"}, count=b, index=2 }; end;
   if c then cond.parameters[3] = { signal={type="virtual", name="signal-C"}, count=c, index=3 }; end;
   entity.set_circuit_condition(1, cond);
function setInstruction(memory, addr, a, b, c)
   if addr >= memory.rows * memory.columns then error("invalid memory address " .. addr); end;
   local x = memory.x0 + math.floor(addr / memory.rows) * memory.xstride;
   local y = memory.y0 + math.fmod(addr, memory.rows) * memory.ystride;
   local entities = game.player.surface.find_entities_filtered({area={{x,y},{x,y}}, name="constant-combinator"});
   if not entities or #entities < 1 then error("no constant-combinator at " .. x .. " " .. y); end;
   if #entities ~= 1 then error("found more than one constant-combinator at " .. x .. " " .. y); end;
   for index, entity in ipairs(entities) do
      setInstructionEntity(entity, a, b, c);
function clearMemory(memory)
   local max = memory.rows * memory.columns - 1;
   for i=0,max,1 do
      setInstruction(memory, i, 0, 0, 0);
function fillMemory(memory)
   local numInstructions = 0;
   for addr, code in pairs(code) do
      local a = code[1];
      local b = code[2];
      local c = code[3];
      setInstruction(memory, addr, a, b, c);
      numInstructions = numInstructions + 1;
   return numInstructions;
local RST = {
   x = -166.5,
   y = 398.5
local ROM = {
   x0 = -242.5,
   y0 = 422.5,
   xstride = 4,
   ystride = 1,
   rows = 20,
   columns = 8
setReset(RST, true);
myprint("Assembling source ...");
local numInstructions = fillMemory(ROM);
myprint("Done. Assembled " .. numInstructions .. " instructions.");
Just open the game console and paste that code into it. It sets the reset signal before updating the ROM which has to be cleared manually afterwards. Just remove the red signal from the lower right constant combinator in the clock/reset module.

This is a simple program that calculates prime numbers:

Code: Select all

; memory map:
; @2 = number under investigation
; @3 = current divisor
; @4 = memory address for next prime number

   load1 3
   sti 2
   load1 19
   sti 4
   ldi 2
   sti 1001
   load2 2
   sti 3
   ldi 3
   sti 3
   jz prime
   ldi 2
   jnz loop2
   load0 notprime
   ldi 4
   sti 4
   ldi 2
   sti 1000
   ldi 2
   sti 2
   load0 loop1
The resulting prime numbers are stored in RAM and displayed on the IO-Displays in the lower right part of the Computer. The Display to the left shows the current number under investigation and the display on the right shows the latest prime number that has been found.

And finally a picture:

The entire machine is pretty modular, all the modules are connected via a central bus running red and green lines. The red line holds all the "current" values like the register values and the instruction stored at the memory address inside reg0. On the other hand the green line holds all the "new" values, like the new values for all the registers that will be written into the register file during the next clock cycle. The four seven segment displays at the top directly show the current values of all the registers (reg3, reg2, reg1, reg0 from left to right), so the right display always shows the address of the next instruction. The two displays on the right however are hooked into the RAM module and can be addressed using the special addresses 1000 and 1001, there are also three constant combinators that can be used as inputs (1003-1005).

Here's the save file if anyone wants to check it out (you might need to install some mods to be able to load it, see picture):

Here are some pictures of my base:

That's all i have for now, i'm looking forward to your feedback :)
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Re: Combinator based Computer that calculates Prime Numbers

Post by Boogieman14 »

Even apart from that computer (which is waaaaay over my head) that entire base is pretty impressive. I'll probably nick a few ideas from it for my future endeavours :)
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Re: Combinator based Computer that calculates Prime Numbers

Post by Lupoviridae »

This is most excellent work. Both the base and computer are very impressive. What signal/wire are you using for addressing your memory? I'm guessing the ROM and RAM use the same address enable signal, in a continuous fashion? (Eg ROM is addresses 1-160, RAM is 161-240)

Personally I am most impressed by your LUA implementation, way out of my abilities.

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Re: Combinator based Computer that calculates Prime Numbers

Post by Twinsen »

My life is now complete!

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Re: Combinator based Computer that calculates Prime Numbers

Post by Shekki »

very very very impressive I wish I could do bases like that someday mine end ups just too messy and inefficient. Starting new base again btw. Great work!

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Re: Combinator based Computer that calculates Prime Numbers

Post by jockeril »

Once the first examples of the new circuit network uses where posted, I was sure it was a matter of time until this will come...

Very good work sir ! you deserve the praise your getting - It's amazing to me and you base looks good and efficient too

Keep up the good work
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Re: Combinator based Computer that calculates Prime Numbers

Post by »

Hello Can You Send Me Your Save Or 7 segment Displays please

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Re: Combinator based Computer that calculates Prime Numbers

Post by indjev99 »

How long did you need to make it?

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Re: Combinator based Computer that calculates Prime Numbers

Post by Twisted_Code »

This is the same sort of "because I can" extreme as the wireworld computer project, although it's a little more practical since you don't have to work with binary data.
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Re: Combinator based Computer that calculates Prime Numbers

Post by piriform »

Half-way through the design of my CPU, I came across your post. Three thoughts popped into my head

a) Wow!, He did it! :shock:
b) But I wanted to be the first :( and now I'm 5 months late :lol:
c) Must. Not. Look.

Now that I'm well into finalizing design of MK 2, I'm free to congratulate you, and ask a question.

I realize that this is more of an abstract exercise, but do you think that such an entity could have use in the game?

PS Once again, congrats.

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Re: Combinator based Computer that calculates Prime Numbers

Post by Kronoz »

I went out of my way and registered just to say: wow

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Re: Combinator based Computer that calculates Prime Numbers

Post by SalvaMX »

It is impresive what people is capable to do with this kind of games.

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Re: Combinator based Computer that calculates Prime Numbers

Post by Escadin »

Are you telling me you're running Miller-Rabin or AKS on a 2hz cpu? How far does it get? :o
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Re: Combinator based Computer that calculates Prime Numbers

Post by Amegatron »

I wish I could implement something similar :/ For now I can't get how does it work, I could only construct something like ROM and RAM modules by myself, and some kind of a screen also. But how to connect them together so it could calculate something ... Even loading your save does not help me ) I suppose I need to wait some kine of afflatus to make my own CPU, because I do not have any special knowledge about CPU or microprocessor systems architecture ))) But I'm a programmer :)

The Eriksonn
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Re: Combinator based Computer that calculates Prime Numbers

Post by The Eriksonn »

I made a computer that does the Mandelbrot set. It is quite slow but it works at least, well not anymore since 0.13 changed some stuff around deciders.
I plan on making a new computer for 0.13 because i got stuck trying to repair the old one. :| (and i got some tricks up my sleeve to help improve it :), like the same decider changes that broke the previus one)

i used 5 iterations on a 12*12 pixel screen(12 is the limit because of the 6 tile reach of substations) and it took 30 min to render :lol:

i tried 10 iterations but it didn´t look right. I think it was because i only have 3 decimal places(way too few).

the image is from 0.12
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