[0.10.2] Roboports missleading tooltip

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[0.10.2] Roboports missleading tooltip

Post by SHiRKiT »

In summary: the roboport's description (when you mouse over it) for the Robot recharge rate is getting it's value from energy_usage instead of grabbing from charging_energy



The roboports have a wrong tooltip description based on it's defined variables. More specifically, on these two:

Code: Select all

energy_usage = "200kW",
    -- per one charge slot
    charging_energy = "200kW",
The energy_usage is the energy that the Roboport uses at all times, no matter wether it's recharging robots or not. And indeed it's, and it's energy usage increases after charging a robot to fill up it's internal buffer. Everything is fine until now.

The charging_energy is how much energy the roboport output to a single robot at a time. For a default roboport, this value is 200KW, since it has 4 charging slots, 4x200KW.

However, the tooltip on the game for Robot recharge rate (when you mouse over a roboport) doesn't get it's value from charging_energy, but from the energy_usage, which leads to a incorret display when you change the charging_energy but leaves the energy_usage as default.


Example: if you change the roboport's values to

Code: Select all

energy_usage = "50kW",
    -- per one charge slot
    charging_energy = "200kW",
The tooltip for Transmission is 50KW.
The tooltip for Robot recharge rate is 4x50KW (incorret)


And if you change the values to

Code: Select all

energy_usage = "200kW",
    -- per one charge slot
    charging_energy = "50W",
The tooltip for Transmission is 200KW.
The tooltip for Robot recharge rate is 4x200KW (incorret)
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Re: [0.10.2] Roboports missleading tooltip

Post by slpwnd »

Thanks for the report. Fixed for 0.10.4.
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