Right now, it seems as if the tactical landscape of the game is "flat".
Two ways to change this is to introduce a miss chance, when a player character or a Turret is shooting at an alien, if the alien is not on a well-lit tile (it's "in darkness"), or if the alien is on the same til as a TRee or within 1 tile of at least one Tree (it's "in cover").
Traditional Lamps can be used to counter-act the first effect, but what I think would be really cool would be if directional light projectors, floodlights, were also added to the game, so that you can set some of those up on poles, on your Walls, or right in front or behind them. That'd just enhance the cool "fortress" look of my bases.
Likewise, the Tree Cover effect can be counter-acted if the Trees are removed, e.g. with a Flamethrower or Shotgun. (For that matter, being right next to an alien Nest or to a Worm can found as cover too.)
If an alien is in darkness or in cover, all ranged attacks agains it should have a 33% chance of missing, but if it is in both, the chance should be 55% (which is pretty close to 0.67 squared).As for player characters, I don't think we need the benefit of cover.
So these are changes to the game mechanics to make the game richer and more interesting, and encourage the player to think about the tactical landscape more. Plus the whole floodlights-on-the-walls thing would be a cool visual.
Would like to see cover effects for aliens from shadow/Trees
Post your ideas and suggestions how to improve the game.
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
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