Improve 0.9.0 and Later

Post your ideas and suggestions how to improve the game.

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Improve 0.9.0 and Later

Post by Marqee »

After playing some maps on 0.8.8 and 0.9.0 i got some ideas that maybe can be usefull.
Along with them also some fixes to existing items.

1) Make Water a finite resource:

1.1) Make Water transportable with barrels ( make it for any other kind of liquid )
1.2 ) As the water is pumped out of a lake it becomes smaller
1.3) Make a lake refillable with water coming from other one with pumps/tubes or with conversion of water barrels ( needed 1.1 )
1.4) Water that goes into steam engine do not disappear but at the end you need a condenser before bringin gback the water back to the lake.
1.5) ralated to 1.4) could be a good idea that hot water in a lake would kill all fishes and allow the growth of algae that will stuck the steam engines damaging them.
1.6) give the Storage tanks a bigger capacity or at least a growing capacity with some science upgrades, anyway a chest full of barrels has to keep less than a Storage tank. maybe lowering the stack size of barrels 8->2 or maybe 1
1.7) water if warmed up before entering chemichal plants helps the chemical reaction with a % speed or % production bonus.

2) Make Wood a real resouce:
The wood is right now used only at start to craft 3-4 boxes. Could be nice to :
2.1) Use wood to build some initial fences as defence. before reaching the stone wall
2.2) Use wood+stone to make "bridges" to build over water, At least to let the Transport Belt and pipes pass over it.
2.3) Think wood would be nice to be transformed into coal in a appropriate building/machine.
2.4) Use wood to craft ladders to climb walls/pipes
2.5) Possibility to plant trees that will grow up during time.

3) Solve the Heavy and light Oil Problem:
I think that in the Oil rafinery production the 99% of player is using only the "Advanced Oil Processing" cause the main problem is the lack of "Petroleum Gas"
3.1 Light Oil :Reduce the production of solid fuel from light oil ( 2x as for heavy oil )
3.2 Light OIl :Give solid fuel a lower burning energy
3.3 Heavy Oil : Lubricant produced from Heavy Oil could be used as "extra input" in Assembling Machines to improve their efficiency.

4) Solve Pipes Building problem:
4.1 make the pipes easly builth orienting them as the transport belts.
4.2 implement some valve to close the pipes
4.3 would be nice to introduce logic valves to calibrate on/off as for Smart Inserters
4.2 Undergroun Pipes need at least a +1 ( better if +3) underground lenght to be able to pass under a Oil rafinery. ( should be done to transport belt too )

5) Elettricity Improevment/Tuning
5.1.2) Introduce some Nuclear Power Plant to produce electricity with a new resouce "uranium" very rare that can be spot only by a new building "geo-radar"
5.1.2) New kind of ammo, with depleted uranium obtained processing uranium.
5.2) Power plants need an appropriate cooling system otherwise a melt down could happen with the destruction of anything in a N-Square radius Zone
5.3) Introcude the problem of storing the exausted fuel that produces radioactivity
5.4) Give the possibility to give a specific amount of produced electricity to recharge capacitors, maybe with a new kind/upgrade of the simple capacitors to smart ones.

6) Secure structures / Heathquake
6.1) Could be implemented some negative effect like earthquake that can damage/destroy buildings.
6.2) Production of Concrete and Reinforced concrete to create foundations , that prevent/lower the damage taken from buildings.

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Re: Improve 0.9.0 and Later

Post by ssilk »

Those loads of stuff...

For 1 I see those problems: if the water goes down the pump will suddenly not work anymore. There are currently only 2 depths of water, and I can't see how that could work, so that it is logically explainable.
1.4 is eventually planned, but then the water might go back into some pipe.
1.5 I like that idea, but not because of the warm water. Instead of algae it could be something, which destroys the pump.
1.6 why do want that?
1.7 nice idea, really! And why only water? If I warm up also the oil that would really make sense. For crude oil it's for example the problem, that it must be transported, when it is warm. In Canada they built special pipelines, because otherwise the warm pipeline would sink into the permafrost ground.

4.3: oh yes.
4.4: well, I see what you mean, hm. I think I would lose the visible connection too fast. Hm. Maybe one more tile?

5. I will never understand, why all like nuclear power plants so much. They make only problems :)
5.4: with a better circuit network no problem.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Improve 0.9.0 and Later

Post by Marqee »

ssilk wrote:Those loads of stuff...
For 1 I see those problems: if the water goes down the pump will suddenly not work anymore. There are currently only 2 depths of water, and I can't see how that could work, so that it is logically explainable.
They can make the water square +/- dense meaning a square cointains N liter, and as pipes nearby water flows to zone where is drained.
ssilk wrote: 1.6 why do want that?
I want this cause the storage tanks are uselees if a chest that is 1/8 smaller can contain 48*8*10 =3840 liters, nearly 4 times.
ssilk wrote: 1.7 nice idea, really! And why only water? If I warm up also the oil that would really make sense. For crude oil it's for example the problem, that it must be transported, when it is warm. In Canada they built special pipelines, because otherwise the warm pipeline would sink into the permafrost ground.
can be done for sure also to other fluids. I'd like it too. =)
ssilk wrote: 5. I will never understand, why all like nuclear power plants so much. They make only problems :)
I'd like something that gives some work to do , not to be completely sure some part of the factory is ok, safe and you can forget about it.
Some earthquake , tornado or nuclear accident or some vulcanic eruption , or some solar storm that stops electricity for some times and damages the solar pannels, can help the game to be more funny / difficult.
Each event should be also triggered on/off at map creation, as for attacking biter.

5.4: with a better circuit network no problem.[/quote]

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Re: Improve 0.9.0 and Later

Post by ssilk »

Marqee wrote:
ssilk wrote:Those loads of stuff...
For 1 I see those problems: if the water goes down the pump will suddenly not work anymore. There are currently only 2 depths of water, and I can't see how that could work, so that it is logically explainable.
They can make the water square +/- dense meaning a square cointains N liter, and as pipes nearby water flows to zone where is drained.
And how would you make that visible, so that every player understands that a lake with an area of 30000 tiles has different densed water?
ssilk wrote: 1.6 why do want that?
I want this cause the storage tanks are uselees if a chest that is 1/8 smaller can contain 48*8*10 =3840 liters, nearly 4 times.
Well, I liked that. It's one of those game mechanics, which are wonderfully unlogical and logical at the same time.
Hm. Maybe they could be a bit bigger? 2500?
ssilk wrote:1.7 nice idea, really! And why only water? If I warm up also the oil that would really make sense. For crude oil it's for example the problem, that it must be transported, when it is warm. In Canada they built special pipelines, because otherwise the warm pipeline would sink into the permafrost ground.
can be done for sure also to other fluids. I'd like it too. =)
Works already like so. You can use tanks to store hot water... Maybe they should loose energy (temp) with time...
ssilk wrote: 5. I will never understand, why all like nuclear power plants so much. They make only problems :)
I'd like something that gives some work to do , not to be completely sure some part of the factory is ok, safe and you can forget about it.
Some earthquake , tornado or nuclear accident or some vulcanic eruption , or some solar storm that stops electricity for some times and damages the solar pannels, can help the game to be more funny / difficult.
Each event should be also triggered on/off at map creation, as for attacking biter.
Hm. Too much sim city. :) a nuclear accident or tornado like in sim city is for babies... a realistic nuclear accident would make your complete factory - even if very big - unuseable, not only destroyed, unuseable. No good game element! And don't you be with my opinion, that a mankind, able to flying to the stars, shouldn't be able to built nuclear power plants, which are nearly as reliable as now? Not that I'm for nuclear power, I'm against, but ... For a realistic nuclear accident we need a much bigger area to have a realistic chance to survive. :) well, I can imagine that in a scenario: the power plant destroyed, everything polluted, your life meter goes slowly, but constant down, you have 10 minutes to built as much as possible before you must go. You have installed trains, weapons etc. and now they deliver all to a far, far away factory, you need 3 minutes by train (unrealistic near).

Yes, to storms, that are kind of accidents, which destroy some parts, which can be repaired by the construction bots. And the game engine is able to display that dramatically.
Earthquakes: suddenly there is a lake thru your factory...
No to tornados: how realistic that exactly where I built it comes?
No solar storm: ever heard from a solar storm on earth? We had many! But every planet, which has a magnetic field and an atmosphere is very secure to that kind of catastrophe (nobody would survive that).
What else? Volcanic eruption. Nice. The ashes can lay on the solar fields and destroy them slowly. But a realistic volcano is big. You need with the train about 20 minutes to drive into the center. And it would be very flat.

In my opinion the small, invisible things are sometimes much more dangerous/annoying. Think for a small flying "bird" which normally sit on the back of the biters and clean them. They fly in the evening and like accus (warm like the biter) and electricity (can hang on the cables). Suddenly your power is gone. The biters come and do the rest.
Fishes in your pump. Need to place some longhand inserter to fish them out of the water, before.
Or, some stealing creature. Takes something from an unwatched belt... And if successful more and more come.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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