1.) I apologise if some of this ideas have already bin discussed - I didn't search the board for all my ideas.
2.) Beside that, I' sorry for my english. I didn't use it in years.

1.) Underground-Layer(s)
1.1.) Possible Variations
1.1.1.) One Underground-Layer
1.1.2.) Two o. Three Underground-Layers
1.1.3.) Unlimited Number of Underground-Layers
1.2.) Underground-Belt can be accessed through first Underground-Layer
1.3.) Caves
1.4.) Minerals
1.5.) Gems (e.g. for Lasers)
1.6.) Lava
1.7.) ...
2.) Orbital- & Lunar-Layer
2.1.) Orbital-Layer
2.1.1) ZeroG-Facilities
2.1.2) Space Elevator
2.1.3) Asteroidmining
2.1.4.) Satellites
2.1.5.) ...
2.2.) Lunar-Layer
2.2.1) Lunar-Mining
2.2.2) LowG-Facilities
2.2.3.) ...
3.) Mining
3.1.) Deep Drilling (for a huge amount of / unlimited Ressources & Planet-Core-Access)
3.2.) ...
4.) More Ores
4.1.) Uran (to be used in the Nuclear Power Plants & special Ammunition)
4.2.) Aluminium (for Light-Structur-Buildings)
4.3.) Lead (for Accumulators & Radiation Protection)
4.4.) Cobalt (for Superalloys & Farms)
4.5.) Chrome (for Leather-Production & Chemical Industry)
4.6.) Antimony (for Alloys)
4.7.) Nickel (for Chemical Industry)
4.8.) Molybdenum (for Steel Production)
4.9.) Gold (for Electic Circuits & Sensors)
4.10.) Platinum (for Research-Labs, Melting Pots & Sensors)
4.11.) ...
5.) Grabbers
5.1.) Flexible Grabbers
5.1.1.) Grabbers with a fixed Drop-Point & a switchable Location-Point (left, straight, right)
5.1.2.) Large Grabbers with switchable range (grabbing and dropping from/at field in distance one or two - in all four combinations)
5.2.) Special Grabbers
5.2.1.) Above-Belt-Grabbers
5.3.) ...
6.) Energy
6.1.) Laser-Energy-Transfer
6.2.) Renewable Energy(-sources)
6.2.1.) Geothermal Energy Production (& Boreholes)
6.2.2.) Wind Power Plants (& Hills)
6.2.3.) Biomass Power Plants (& Farms)
6.2.4.) Biofuel (& Farms)
6.2.5.) Hydroelectric Power Plants (& Rivers)
6.2.6.) Nuclear Power Plants (& Uran) Processing Uran for use in Nuclear Power Plants Recycling/Reprocessing of used Fuel Rods Processing of Radioactive Waste (storing in Barrels / Vitrification of liquid Waste) Final Disposal of Radioactive Waste filled Barrels in Underground-Layers
6.3.) A Switch at every Engine/Machine to turn it on/off (without removing Power Poles)
6.4.) ...
7.) Farms (for Nutrition)
7.1.) Grain & other Crops
7.2.) Rape (for Oil-Production & Biofuel)
7.3.) Production of biological "waste" (for the Biomass Power Plant & Fertiliser-Production)
7.4.) ...
8.) Sensors
8.1.) Optical Sensors
8.2.) Movement Detector
8.3.) Noise Sensors
8.4.) Temperature Sensors
8.5.) Light Barriers
8.6.) ...
9.) Programming within the Logical Network (using Sensors)
9.1.) Logic Gates
9.1.1.) AND
9.1.2.) NAND
9.1.3.) OR
9.1.4.) XOR
9.1.5.) NOR
9.1.6.) XNOR
9.1.7.) NOT
9.2.) ...
10.) Science
10.1.) Endless Science (e.g. +1% Productivity per researched Sciencestep and Research-Cost-Duplication)
10.2.) ...
11.) Sea-Usage
11.1.) Manganese-Nodules-Farming (for Chemical Industry & Energy Production)
11.2.) Oil-Drilling at Sea
11.3) ...
12.) Assambly Belts
12.1.) Improvements
12.1.1.) Assembly Belt Bridges
12.1.2.) Intelligent Assambly Belt Points (e.g. for Sorting)
12.2.) Trifarious Belts (where the middle row can only be filled through Intelligent Assambly Belt Points)
12.3.) ...
13.) Pipes
13.1.) Switchable Pipes (not always making connections to all nearby pipes)
13.2.) Valves
13.3.) ...
14.) Recycling
14.1.) Disassambling of Machines, Grabbers, etc.
14.2.) ...
15.) Player
15.1.) Option in Inventory to allow functioning as a Provider-Chest
15.2.) ...
16.) Terrain
16.1.) Rivers (for the Hydroelectric Power Plants)
16.2.) Hills (for the Wind Power Plants)
16.3.) Canyons (where maybe the first Underground-Layer & the Underground-Belt can be seen)
16.4.) Mountains
16.5.) Swamp
16.6.) Tundra
16.7.) Ice
16.8.) ...
17.) Gameplay-Elements
17.1.) Radiation
17.2.) Nutrition (& Farms)
17.3.) Clothing (& Leather)
17.4.) Weather- & Temperature-Effects
17.5.) Androids
17.6.) AI-Players (friendly and hostile)
17.7.) More Chemical Industry
17.8.) ...
Well, thats been my ideas while I played this awesome game.

If you have questions about some of these or want to give thoughts about them - you're welcome!