[0.12.2]Bot refuse to clearing tree (not curved rail bug)

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[0.12.2]Bot refuse to clearing tree (not curved rail bug)

Post by waduk »

Under certain circumstances (idk what cause it), with force place blueprint over tree, after some placement, then all bot were just hovering whilst holding the item, looping back to player for recharge.
They wait the trees to be clear out by other bot, but no bot is clearing the trees. I guess all the bot holding the item, no one take responsibilities to cut the trees.
Happen occasionally.
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Re: [0.12.2]Bot refuse to clearing tree (not curved rail bug)

Post by DRBLN »

Do you have enough storage chest for wood?

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Re: [0.12.2]Bot refuse to clearing tree (not curved rail bug)

Post by Rseding91 »

Your personal roboport has a current maximum of 40 robots active at once and there are 40 robots out trying to built. You simply don't have enough robots to do what you're trying to do - that's not a bug.
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Re: [0.12.2]Bot refuse to clearing tree (not curved rail bug)

Post by FishSandwich »

Wouldn't it be feesible to make construction bots prioritise deconstruction of trees when force placing a blueprint?

I guess this is more a feature request.

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Re: [0.12.2]Bot refuse to clearing tree (not curved rail bug)

Post by Rseding91 »

Right now repairing, re-building and deconstructing go in a cycle (in that order) each game tick.

First robots are sent to repair any damaged structures
Second they're sent to rebuild any ghosts
Third they're sent to deconstruct stuff

Each step happens each tick and a maximum of 3 robots are sent for each task.

That means that even when there are mixed tasks robots get allocated to each job each tick (unless you only have 3~ robots). The problem here is the amount of stuff needing to be deconstructed was far more than the ghosts so the robots get stuck waiting for the things to be deconstructed. As they get stuck the next tick cycle happens and more robots are allocated to other ghosts and in the end a few things are allocated for deconstruction but after the job they had is finished they get allocated to rebuilding ghosts.

It's really just an issue of: not enough robots for the amount of work :)
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Re: [0.12.2]Bot refuse to clearing tree (not curved rail bug)

Post by FishSandwich »

Right, but sending a bot out to place a building when there's a tree in the way is pointless isn't it? It leads to this exact problem of bots floating around waiting for the space to be clear.

It makes more sense to prioritise the removal of the tree(only when force placing a blueprint) and then send another bot out with the building when the space is clear.

I mean, you are completely right about him not having enough bots, but I think this would be more user friendly. Also this kind of problem completely negates the point of being able to set trees for deconstruction when force placing a blueprint.

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Re: [0.12.2]Bot refuse to clearing tree (not curved rail bug)

Post by waduk »

Ah, not a bug ?
Like FishSandwich said then, If they prioritize removing trees when force placed blueprint, then this thing wouldn't occur.
Under normal usage, they can use the repair,rebuild,deconstruct cycle.

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Re: [0.12.2]Bot refuse to clearing tree (not curved rail bug)

Post by RoddyVR »

One of the uses i wanted a force build for was placing a turret creep blueprint to speed up creeping on large nests. If you change priority to clearing first, then my bots will all get killed while clearing trees before placing the first turret. or i'll get killed cause there no hostile target other then me in range of incoming wave, while the bots are hunting the last tree down, or recharging after taking all the trees but not placing anything down.

Mix of jobs is a better prioritization then all or nothing. and for cases like this here, its realy a problem of not enough bots, that you should solve by having more bots, not by changing how everyone's bots prioritize work.

Personaly for me the best prioritization would be to fill the jobs that are nearest to ME first, and then go out for further ones afterwards (would actualy solve your problem too as the trees nearest you would get cleared and the buildings on them built and noone waits) ... but i'm sure that for someone that woudlnt be ideal either, so i wont even request it.

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Re: [0.12.2]Bot refuse to clearing tree (not curved rail bug)

Post by FishSandwich »

RoddyVR wrote:One of the uses i wanted a force build for was placing a turret creep blueprint to speed up creeping on large nests. If you change priority to clearing first, then my bots will all get killed while clearing trees before placing the first turret. or i'll get killed cause there no hostile target other then me in range of incoming wave, while the bots are hunting the last tree down, or recharging after taking all the trees but not placing anything down.
C'mon, that's ridiculous. Surely if there are trees in the way to the point where no turrets can be placed, your bots would be floating over the trees and sitting ducks to any enemies nearby anyway.

We're not talking about a complete change to priorities here, just "if there is a tree in the way of this building I want to place, I'll go chop it down instead of float above it". That's all. Other buildings in the blueprint would be placed with the normal priority.

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Re: [0.12.2]Bot refuse to clearing tree (not curved rail bug)

Post by kovarex »

The proper prioritisation might solve the problem, so I'm moving it to Minor bugs.

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