You enjoy playing Factorio but you feel something is missing? I say you need bigger guns!
The first iteration of Supreme Warfare gives you four artillery cannons to play around.
You can find all the informations and more on the wiki!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gmCviP ... e=youtu.be
Video - demonstration (Version 1.0.0)
I think Supreme Warfare is currently in a good balanced state.
If you're playing with the DyTechWar Mod SupremeWarfare will automaticlly switch values for balance.
Do you think something is unbalanced? Leave a comment and let me know. Oh... And by the way you can customize the balance. Just take a look inside the config.lua

Factorio 0.12.1:
Latest release: Old release: Factorio 0.11.22:
Thanks to DOSorDIE for helping balance this mod

I appreciate every kind of feedback, if you have something to say leave a comment

Enjoy my mod.

Supreme Warfare is licensed with the CC BY-NC-ND license.