Specific heat of low and high pressure steam has been adjusted to near real-world values, with low pressure ~1.5x water, and high pressure ~4.25x water.
This means that each unit of water contains much more energy per degree, and has a higher max temperature.
Download: https://github.com/Starholme/factorio-S ... _0.0.1.zip
Additional ideas that fit the theme of this mod are welcome. I intend on keeping it very lightweight, and encouraging other mods to support these fluids.
See https://github.com/Starholme/factorio-Steam for source code.
See https://github.com/Starholme/factorio-Steam/wiki for the wiki.
Circulating boiler example:

Fullsize Image:http://imgur.com/vFuzl85
In the above picture you can see the highlighted High Pressure Feedwater Pump is maintaining a level of 8.8 in the attached pipe. This ensures that the small pump, just one tile down and to the right, is able to circulate the fluid through the row of boilers, and back to the storage tank. The steam engines are best fed off the boilers, as they will receive the hottest liquid. The boilers before the High Pressure Feedwater Pump act as a sort of preheat. The temperature is preserved when going through the pump.