Hello everybody its me again

I will introduce you next mod... This time its telelogistics.
In a short... teleport + inserter = telelogistics
This mod adds only two new items. Teleinserter MK1 to 4 and telechest. Teleinserter is a device build on inserter platform. Telechest is little modified iron chest.
To make my mod work you have to do few things:
- Do proper research
- Build tele-things
- Hover mouse button over teleinserter to activate settings menu
- Press "Connect to output" button, and then hover mouse over next teleinserter or telechest to connect them or select item from menu
- Set proper filter by pressing textfield - this will open the filter menu
- Power it up

Waiting for connection.

After connected few devices:

Filter menu:

All menu are opened by hovering mouse over tele-device... like all my mods... hovering is the best

Waiting for connection is limited in time to about 500 ticks = 8 seconds after that you have to click the proper button once again
If you want to disconnect any device you can do in on two ways:
1. Go to "Input" device and use "disconnect form output" button to disconnect last device
2. Go to "output" device (device can be output only for one input) and press the same button, this will disconnect this output device from input device and update input device connection list.
To open filter menu simply click on name bellow FILTER label. This will automatically open filter menu. You don't have to close and open again this menu to set filter to next output, simply click on next textfield. Current textfield has red text.
TeleChest MK 1 to 3:

Teleinserter MK 1 to 4: - yes yes I know... inserter without arms

There is no limit to the distance between teledevices... but considering its setting.
Each teleinserter has different speed... MK4 is really fast.
Each teleinserter has different max number of possible connections... its equal to its level.
If you set only one output device (no matter input device level) you don't have to set filter... it will teleport everything... filter work only after device connected is 2 or more.
Since you can connect up to 4 devices to teleinserter mk4, and you can set proper filter to all of them, you can simply segregate items from transport belt to 4 different chests or teleinserters or mixed.
REMEMBER... teleinserter work exactly the same as normal inserter... it has input and output site... output site is teleported to other place, but input site is still there, so if you set teleinserter as output but place chest or transport belt next to its input place it will take item from there... consider it as a bug... to be resolved by somebody with knowledge
If You have any questions please feel free to ask... if you like it or no please live a comment... maybe I can improve it somehow.
Since v0.1.1 power consumption depends on the distance between input device and its outputs. Maximum distance is 256, and it is not possible to exceed it. If You try to connect new device and overall distance will be greater then 256 you will see this in the console: "CAN NOT CONNECT TO THE DEVICE - DISTANCE GREATER THAN 256"
Power Consumption vs distance:

New device added. Device Called Teleporter and proper technology were added.
To use teleporter simply build it and step on the device. This device has no collision box, so its transparent for the player. When you enter the platform it start glowing green, and menu appear.
To perform teleportation you have to build at least 2 devices.
Each teleporter need energy to jump. In menu You can see how much energy it will cost. After selecting destination point teleport will start to charge.
Teleport energy slow decreasing when devices are on stand by.
Max power usage is 5MW while powering up, and 125kW when stand by.
To perform teleportation simply click on device name.
Device name can be changed by clicking text field.

Teleporter device:
Stand by:

Stand by (player on it):

Powering up/waiting for teleportation: