German localization discussion

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German localization discussion

Post by Shaymes »

some german translation are missing or inaccurately but i found the files :)
i hope i found all and here are my changes


logistic-chest-active-provider=Aktive Anbieterkiste
logistic-chest-passive-provider=Passive Anbieterkiste


logistic-chest-active-provider=Stellt Inhalt der Lagerkiste, Nachfragekiste, Bauroboter und Spieler zur Verfügung.
logistic-chest-passive-provider=Stellt Inhalt der Nachfragekiste, Bauroboter und Spieler zur Verfügung.




small-plane=Kleines Flugzeug
(10.12 KiB) Downloaded 691 times
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Re: [0.10.1] locale de

Post by slpwnd »

Imho this should be in the translations section.
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Re: [0.10.1] locale de

Post by Shaymes »

sry my mistake :(
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Re: [0.10.1] locale de

Post by kovarex »

Thank you, I added your changes to the german translation as this commit: ... 53b14d94fa

It will be also included in 0.10.5
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Re: [0.10.1] locale de

Post by Blackence »

There's another issue with the German translation.

Either we need separate production= and consumption= keys for the [gui-production] section, so we can have something like: (other translators may chime in with better wording)

Code: Select all

Or the translation needs to be changed: (Again, there might be better words for this)

Code: Select all

This is not very nice, because "Produktion" sounds a little strange in the context of electric energy. "Energieerzeugung" is better, but that can't be used for the item production overview (obviously).
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Re: [0.10.1] locale de

Post by Gully »

...ich hab eine Weile überlegt, wie man "Inserter" gut übersetzen kann. Die heißen ja gerade "Knickarmroboter", das fand ich nicht so richtig schön, weil der Begriff so sperrig und lang ist.

Heute hatte ich eine Idee: Einfach "Greifer" - ist kurz und trifft die Bedeutung trotzdem ziemlich genau. Geht auch mit den anderen Typen Inserter: Langer Greifer, Schneller Greifer usw.
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Re: [0.10.1] locale de

Post by Kayanor »

Gully wrote:Heute hatte ich eine Idee: Einfach "Greifer" - ist kurz und trifft die Bedeutung trotzdem ziemlich genau. Geht auch mit den anderen Typen Inserter: Langer Greifer, Schneller Greifer usw.
I prefer "Greifarm" :P
Sounds more detailed.
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Re: [0.10.1] locale de

Post by ssilk »

Greifarm ist gut!
Greifer ... isn't that the name of some bad-guy in a James Bond Film? :) SCNR
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Re: [0.10.1] locale de

Post by Krayt »

I noticed as well that "Knickarmroboter" sounds ... odd.
I agree that the terms "Greifer" or "Greifarm" are far more suitable better than this.

On the website of KUKA Robotics a company for industrial robots, which is known for such robots we are discussing about, I looked up which terms they are using for their robots on their website: ... al_robots/ .
There the robots are categorized according to the respective bearing loads. So those for heavy bearing loads are called "Schwerlast Roboter" and so on.
What about "Lastenroboter" as an additional possibility?

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Re: [0.10.1] locale de

Post by daniel34 »

I don't think that Lastenroboter is a good possibility. I don't know why KUKA uses that term, but I googled it and there was no reference to an inserter like Factorio uses on the first 5 pages of the result.
A Lastenroboter is a robot that carries heavy equipment for soldiers on uneven terrain.
Google Image search also shows no pictures of an inserter (and I've scrolled to the bottom).
Image search for Lastenroboter
The actual technical term for it is Knickarmroboter.
Image search for Knickarmroboter
A Greifer is the part of the Knickarmroboter that picks up the item and holds it (the hand), while the Greifarm is Greifer + Arm. If you add the rest of the robotics you get the Knickarmroboter.
Image search for Greifarm
So although it technically should be called a Knickarmroboter, I think that Factorio should call it a Greifarm.
- It's a short but self-explaining term most non-technical people would understand
- I don't like the roboter in Knickarmroboter/Lastenroboter because I think that term should be reserved for logistic/construction bots and might confuse some people

One more thing I noticed: the long handed inserter is currently translated as Großer Greifarm. Shouldn't it be Langer Greifarm?
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Re: [0.10.1] locale de

Post by Krayt »

Yes, probably your arguments are more reasonable. The term "Lastenroboter" could apply for too many kinds of robots. It is too vague.
"Lastengreifer" would be more precise.
The robot you found on your google images search, the Big Dog of Boston Dynamics, is like you said a robot which is designed to carry stuff and follow a soldier.
So "Greifarm" is the best choice. But I think the English term "Inserter" is not very logical as the "Inserter" not only inserts stuff, but picks it up as well. But this belongs to the English locale discussion I think.

So the appropriate new terms for the different variants of the "Knickarmroboter" are in my understanding:

New Translation Proposals:
  • Brenner Greifarm
  • Greifarm
  • langer / langarmiger Greifarm
  • schneller Greifarm
  • cleverer / intelligenter Greifarm
I think I will change my locale for testing purposes from English to German and try to find some translations, which do not sound right. Then I will post them here for further discussion.
And I will think in more detail about translation proposals before posting ;)

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Re: [0.10.1] locale de

Post by Kayanor »

Ok, the following translations will now get approved:
  • Burner inserter → Befeuerter Greifarm
  • Inserter → Greifarm
  • Long handed inserter → Langer Greifarm
  • Fast inserter → Schneller Greifarm
  • Smart inserter → Intelligenter Greifarm
I always was against the "Knickarmroboter" because of the length of the word and if you don't split it into syllables it's also hard to read if you are new to the game.
Alternatively, we could also call them "Knicki". :P

The other thing that disturbs me is that "Small - Medium - Big". Small is translated into "klein", big into "groß" but that is not the problem. I really don't like the translations of medium. Medium is often just translated into "mittel" but tell me, is the biter "mittelgroß", "mittelschwer", "mittellang" or what?
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Re: [0.10.1] locale de

Post by Krayt »

Kajanor wrote: Ok, the following translations will now get approved:
  • Burner inserter → Befeuerter Greifarm
  • Inserter → Greifarm
  • Long handed inserter → Langer Greifarm
  • Fast inserter → Schneller Greifarm
  • Smart inserter → Intelligenter Greifarm
I always was against the "Knickarmroboter" because of the length of the word and if you don't split it into syllables it's also hard to read if you are new to the game.
Alternatively, we could also call them "Knicki". :P
Good to hear that there is some motion now. So do you have the permission to improve and approve translations of the German localization now? If yes, do you need additional help there?
Kajanor wrote: [...]
The other thing that disturbs me is that "Small - Medium - Big". Small is translated into "klein", big into "groß" but that is not the problem. I really don't like the translations of medium. Medium is often just translated into "mittel" but tell me, is the biter "mittelgroß", "mittelschwer", "mittellang" or what?
I think "mittelgroß" would be adequate for classification of biters. The word "groß" is also used in a sense like "größer werden = wachsen / älter werden". I see the medium biters as older versions of the smaller ones, so "mittelgroß" would be the right choice there.
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Re: German localization discussion

Post by Kayanor »

Krayt wrote:Good to hear that there is some motion now. So do you have the permission to improve and approve translations of the German localization now? If yes, do you need additional help there?
Yes, I am the proofreader for the German localization now but I don't need help at this. :P
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Re: [0.10.1] locale de

Post by Phillip_Lynx »

Kajanor wrote:...The other thing that disturbs me is that "Small - Medium - Big". Small is translated into "klein", big into "groß" but that is not the problem. I really don't like the translations of medium. Medium is often just translated into "mittel" but tell me, is the biter "mittelgroß", "mittelschwer", "mittellang" or what?
I think the line in german is 'klein', 'normal' und 'groß'.

The best, if it is possible, I think, woud be 'kleiner YYY', 'YYY', 'großer YYY'. Not only in german but also in english (and I think all other languages) ... 'small biter', 'biter', 'large biter'

But maybe I should post this in suggestions :D
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Re: German localization discussion

Post by Kayanor »

I did some translation stuff again and came to some unclear translations:
  • "Electric" (damage type) - The actual translation is "Electro", but somehow I miss the "-schaden" in the string.
  • "Requester chest" - Shall we call it "Nachfragekiste" or "Anfragekiste"?
  • "Stone furnace" - It's translated into "Schmelzofen", the straightest translation is "Steinofen".
  • "Gun turret", "Rocket turret" and "Laser turret" - "Geschützturm" als base translation, the "Raketen-" or "Laser-" raplaces the "Geschütz-"?
  • "Car" - Call it by it's short name "Auto" or it's long name "Automobil"?
  • "Offshore pump" - "Offshore" doesn't mean "Nutzwasser" in German. :P
  • "Boiler" - "Befeuerter Dampfkessel" is redundant?
  • "Biter spawner" - The "-nest" is a weird term, is there a better one?
  • "Solar panel" - You can't call it "Solarmodul" because it isn't a module like the "Geschwindigkeitsmodul". I think "Solarpanel" would be more correct.
  • Is that thing with "Mittlerer ..." and "Mittelgroßer ..." already suggested?
  • "Spitter" - "Speier" or "Spucker"?
  • "Train stop" - It isn't a real "Bahnhof", there is no platform. So it can only be a "Zughaltestelle".
  • "Rail chain signal" - "Steuerkettenzugsignal" is a too long word.
  • How should we call the "Asterisk" plants?
  • "Ship wreck grass" - The graphics say that this is the grass where the ship wreck is laying on, not an overgrown ship wreck as the translation says.
  • "Basic exoskeleton equipment" is called "Standard Exoskelett" in German. IMO there has to be a dash between the words but I'm not sure about it.
  • "Everything", "Anything" and "Each" (the signal wire things) don't have definite translations.
I also made the topic sticky so it's easier to find.

And from now on we will call the (logistic) storage chests "Speicher-Brust".
Just kidding! :P
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Re: German localization discussion

Post by counter »

Hi Kajanor,
here are a few comments from me:
Kajanor wrote:"Electric" (damage type) - The actual translation is "Electro", but somehow I miss the "-schaden" in the string.
The closer translation is „Elektrisch”. The actual “Electro” would be electronic.
And the other damage-types have also no “schaden” in the string. There is for example only “Physisch”.
Kajanor wrote:"Requester chest" - Shall we call it "Nachfragekiste" or "Anfragekiste"?
Both and the actually “Anforderungskiste” is okay for me. But in the end it should be the same as in the descriptions for active and passive provider chests.
Kajanor wrote:"Stone furnace" - It's translated into "Schmelzofen", the straightest translation is "Steinofen".
I think “Schmelzofen” is good. There is also no “Stahl” in the translation for steel furnace.
And “Steinofen” reminds me more for pizza.
Kajanor wrote:"Gun turret", "Rocket turret" and "Laser turret" - "Geschützturm" als base translation, the "Raketen-" or "Laser-" raplaces the "Geschütz-"?
It sounds good.
Kajanor wrote:"Car" - Call it by it's short name "Auto" or it's long name "Automobil"?
I prefer “Auto”.
Kajanor wrote:"Offshore pump" - "Offshore" doesn't mean "Nutzwasser" in German.
“Küstenwasserpumpe” is the nearest translation. But I don’t know if it’s practicable and the people know for what it is.
Kajanor wrote:"Boiler" - "Befeuerter Dampfkessel" is redundant?
Yes, it’s redundant. “Dampfkessel” is enough.
Kajanor wrote:"Biter spawner" - The "-nest" is a weird term, is there a better one?
The only other thing I actually found was “Brutstätte”.
Kajanor wrote:"Solar panel" - You can't call it "Solarmodul" because it isn't a module like the "Geschwindigkeitsmodul". I think "Solarpanel" would be more correct.
Yes, “Solarpanel” is good.
Kajanor wrote:Is that thing with "Mittlerer ..." and "Mittelgroßer ..." already suggested?
I think “Mittlerer” is more for a list than a size. So I prefer “Mittelgroßer” or like Phillip_Lynx wrote no prefix.
Kajanor wrote:"Spitter" - "Speier" or "Spucker"?
I prefer “Speier”.
Kajanor wrote:"Train stop" - It isn't a real "Bahnhof", there is no platform. So it can only be a "Zughaltestelle".
Yes it is no “Bahnhof” ("Bahnhof" would be train station or railroad station). So “Zughaltestelle” or “Zughalt” would be better.
Kajanor wrote:"Rail chain signal" - "Steuerkettenzugsignal" is a too long word.
Oh yes, it is very too long and not very meaningful. In Wikipedia ( ... eutschland) they called “Vorsignale”. So I prefer “Zugvorsignal” to refer it to the train group. Or only “Vorsignal”.
Kajanor wrote:How should we call the "Asterisk" plants?
Which plants is it?
Kajanor wrote:"Ship wreck grass" - The graphics say that this is the grass where the ship wreck is laying on, not an overgrown ship wreck as the translation says.
Oh, hard question. Perhaps “Gras unter dem Schiffswrack”?
"Basic exoskeleton equipment" is called "Standard Exoskelett" in German. IMO there has to be a dash between the words but I'm not sure about it.
I think “Exoskelett” is enough because there is no upgrade in the game. So there is no need for differentiation between standard and expanded or so.
Kajanor wrote:"Everything", "Anything" and "Each" (the signal wire things) don't have definite translations.
Sorry, I don’t understand the context in which case this is used.

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Re: German localization discussion

Post by Sinnersaix »

Hm maybe i can help. Problem is, even the best Translation can confuse ppl about the meaning. German is sometimes more complex then needed. :roll:

There are 3 Funrcae Types right?
Stone Steel and Electric - Furnace. I would translate Furnace to "Hochofen", thats what it is called in German Steelworks ^^.
So "Stein Hochofen" "Stahl Hochofen" and "Elektrischer Hochofen" if they are not to Long, maybe shorten the last one down to "E-Hochofen"

Turrets, i would go with "MG Turm" "Laserturm" and "Racketenturm"

Offshore Pump is both easy and hard to translate. Offshore translatet means more or less "Küstennah" backtranslatet i would be more like "Close to Coast" so yeah that makes it hard, but we German do the "annektieren" ^^. Means we addapt words (steal them nanana) from other Languages to our own (mostly from english) so i would recommend "Offshore-Pumpe" i guess every German should know what that means, simply by adding a "e" XD.

oh and yeah we love to use the -

Boiler = i would go with "Heitzkessel" instead of "Dampfkessel"
Becasue "Steam Engine" means "Dampf Maschine" so less confusing.
And its a bit more fitting i think.

For the size Question...we talkking about Biter and Spitters? Small, Medium,Big and Behemoth / Kleiner, Mittlerer, Großer and Koloss (you could use Behemoth in German too, but that word is rarely used for Translation)

Rail chainm Signal = Honestly, im still trying the figure out the difference between the 2 Signal Types Oo.

The Asterisk it the Plants name? then keep the name. Otherwise, Asterisk is translatet to "Stern" or "Sternchen"...i still hate Blizzard for translating Citynames in WoW. Sturmwind = barf.

Ship wreck grass...Schiffswrack Grass.

"Basic exoskeleton equipment" like counter says, "Exoskelett" should do the trick. In case Factorio gets more kinds of "exoskeleton equipment", "Basis Exoskelett".

The Signal wire not sure i understand the context, but i would say "alles" "etwas" and "jedes" more or less the direct translation still not sure with "etwas"

In all other cases i would go with what counter said.
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Re: German localization discussion

Post by Phribos »

Is this still actual? New needs?
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Re: German localization discussion

Post by Kayanor »

Phribos wrote:Is this still actual? New needs?
I'm currently writing a "translation changelog" while translating terms into German. The problem is that I don't have much time due to school right now.
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