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by Khyron
Sat Jul 12, 2014 6:39 pm
Forum: Frequently Suggested / Link Collections
Topic: Frequently Suggested Ideas
Replies: 20
Views: 42963

Frequently Suggested Ideas

The purpose of this thread is to make an index of frequently suggested ideas and/or ideas that are widely endorsed. Hopefully that is useful in reducing the number of duplicate suggestion threads which tend to flood the ideas & suggestions sub-forum. I also hope the devs find it useful to browse through and we might be able to capture the responses and opinions devs have on some of these topics.

Please feel free to leave a comment below if you think something belongs on this list. It would help me if you can include any links you feel are relevant. I'll add them to this post and apply some structure & formatting so that it's easy to find and see what's going on. For clarity, I'm looking for entire threads dedicated to one topic (as per the instructions "1. One suggestion per post!") rather than posts where a bunch of suggestions are made in one go.

Game objects & content
Oil, Wind, Nuclear Development proposal, idea

Train related
Tunnels & bridges (building a bridge) idea, request, request, request
Carriages (tanker, logistics, gun etc) idea
Stops, loading & unloading idea
Train stop timer: ... f=6&t=5674
Electric trains: ... f=6&t=3463 ... ains&fid=6
Pre-signals: ... nals&fid=6

Water related
See also: Train related - Tunnels & bridges
Converting water tiles to land tiles, water crossing stuff: idea, request, request
Ships & Boats request, request, request, request

Valves idea, idea, idea, developer response

Lamp on poles ... ight+poles

Threads about dissassembling, recycling, using waste etc.
This will not be implemented, cause the number of items which may be useful to recycle vs. the number you produce is so small, that the overhead eats all advantages.
There are some mods, which implement different kinds of recycling/disposal!

Progress visualization ... f=6&t=4202

Chemical plants / Fluid handling
Swap input on chemical factory

Weapon related
Visual Laser Range Interface

User interface & controls

That's all I have time for now. More to come....

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