[1.1.34] circuit network belt reading wrong/missed on merging segment
Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 11:11 pm
Apologize first if this is not a bug but intended behavior, but I found it very un-intuitive at least and couldn't find an explanation on the wiki.
Now, the bottom example (B) works exactly as expected, where the signal in the memory cell matches the item that goes through the belt, as can be verified by the content in the chest. However, there is a mismatch when using the top example (A). Specifically, when there are items on the top lane of A2, and they merge/mix with those coming from A1 at the reading segment, some items from A1 will be missed during the counting. In the attached save file, I have placed steel plates on A2/B2 and copper plates on A1/B1, and you can see the count of copper plates is 1 count smaller than those in the chest for bus A, but not bus B. In my real game save this error can accumulate over time.
latest log: game save:
what happened
So basically I'm trying to count items on the main bus by tracking all the input/output branches. Here you can see two minimal examples (A and B), where the connected belt segments send out contents in pulse mode and a simple memory cell is used to track items that went into the bus. The only difference between the two examples is the location of the reading belt segment.Now, the bottom example (B) works exactly as expected, where the signal in the memory cell matches the item that goes through the belt, as can be verified by the content in the chest. However, there is a mismatch when using the top example (A). Specifically, when there are items on the top lane of A2, and they merge/mix with those coming from A1 at the reading segment, some items from A1 will be missed during the counting. In the attached save file, I have placed steel plates on A2/B2 and copper plates on A1/B1, and you can see the count of copper plates is 1 count smaller than those in the chest for bus A, but not bus B. In my real game save this error can accumulate over time.
what I expect
Both A and B bus should work as expected and produce signals corresponding to the content of chests.to reproduce
- clear chest content and memory cell (you can turn on the constant combinator to clear memory)
- put lots of items on the left end of the top input belt (A1 or B1)
- while items on the top input belt is still flowing into the main bus, put lots of items (preferrably another type) on the top lane at the left end of the main bus/bottom belt (A2 or B2). The items from the two belt has to be merging/mixing on the same lane to reproduce this bug
- check signal of the memory cell and the content of the chest, you should see mismatch for A but not for B
latest log: game save: