[1.1.33] Ctrl+F find treats full-width space differently from ascii space
Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 10:27 pm
When searching in the character screen for crafting recipes the game treats " " (single ascii space) between two "words" as logical AND, but the same isn't true for " " (Japanese full width space). (Non-Fuzzy search).
When using Japanese input pressing the "space bar" key produces a full-width space because Japanese does not use half-width spaces. This results in rather awkward usage when typing naturally and then remembering that the space needs to be a different one and having to go back to edit it.
I'm assuming this'll be broken for any language that doesn't use ascii space.
(I also noticed that multiple ascii space aren't counted as AND either, but that might be on purpose?)
When searching in the character screen for crafting recipes the game treats " " (single ascii space) between two "words" as logical AND, but the same isn't true for " " (Japanese full width space). (Non-Fuzzy search).
When using Japanese input pressing the "space bar" key produces a full-width space because Japanese does not use half-width spaces. This results in rather awkward usage when typing naturally and then remembering that the space needs to be a different one and having to go back to edit it.
I'm assuming this'll be broken for any language that doesn't use ascii space.
(I also noticed that multiple ascii space aren't counted as AND either, but that might be on purpose?)