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Documentation Improvement Requests
Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 4:28 pm
by Bilka
Therenas wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 3:34 pm
Locking this thread because any future doc requests should get their own thread in this new subforum.
Any requests already posted in this thread will be looked at, so no need to repost those issues.
Did you just run into a prototype property that was called pizza_type but didn't seem to do anything with pizzas at all and didn't have a description to tell you what it really does? Did you try to use a complicated method in the control stage but couldn't figure out how the format the doc describes should look like and there wasn't any example? We want to fix that :D
We are looking for properties/methods that are missing descriptions or could use examples in both the
prototype docs and the
runtime docs. We would like to prioritize our documentation efforts by what mod authors specifically run into or have problems with due to missing explanations/examples. Please post your requests in this thread.
Examples of the kind of requests we're looking for:
88004 89845
Examples of a recent improvement that we would like to repeat for other properties/methods: Added examples for
LuaCommandProcessor.add_command and
Please do not just say "most things in the prototype docs", we know and we'd like to prioritize working what you run into, instead of going alphabetically.
Re: Small documentation improvement requests
Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 4:55 pm
by Honktown
A small request, the list of Attack Parameters is not complete nor exhaustive: ... Parameters
Something like "examples of values" would've been sufficient to prevent confusion I encountered (when looking for a value). In other words, the table contains a lot more attack-related stuff, not only those things.
-> Updated for the next release
Re: Small documentation improvement requests
Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 5:12 pm
by eradicator
Today I was told that force_visibility can also affect the selectibilty of a SEWO. -> Added at
Re: Small documentation improvement requests
Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 9:38 pm
by DedlySpyder
Took a look through my bug reports, which were normally because something was unclear to me:
-> All of these have been dealt with, changes to the API docs will appear with the next release.
Re: Small documentation improvement requests
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 1:07 am
by curiosity
Explain what exactly "stretch_and_expand" means for horizontally/vertically stretchable/squashable (especially squashable) in Types/StyleSpecification. -> Added at
Re: Small documentation improvement requests
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 1:45 pm
by curiosity
Klonan wrote: Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:15 am
The hidden tile is only updated if the tile put on top is minable, such as concrete, stone path, etc.
This should be added to LuaTile.hidden_tile (which is also missing description), LuaSurface.set_tiles and Prototype/Tile#minable.
Alternative phrasing: "The old tile becomes hidden if it is not minable and the new tile is."
-> Improved for the next release
Re: Small documentation improvement requests
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:50 pm
by eradicator
Regarding LuaForce.set/get_friend (and probably LuaForce.set/get_cease_fire) they have no effect on the neutral force. Which would've saved me a bunch of time had I known :D.
[quote=Klonan post_id=544124 time=1618868332 user_id=5544]
Neutral force is hardcoded to always return true for 'is_friend' checks, this isn't a bug
(Note from Therenas: The correction of this is waiting on the related bug being fixed)
(Note from eradicator: Klonan has decided that he doesn't want to fix it for unclear reasons. So I'd want at least documentation of every hidden hardcoded effect on both set/get_cease_fire and set/get_friend for all directions. I.e. is PlayerForce.get_friend(NeutralForce) always true too? Or is it just NeutralForce.get_friend(PlayerForce) that's always treated as true even though the API lies about it?)
(Note 2 from eradicator: So Klonan said he's going to think about it some more.)
Re: Small documentation improvement requests
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 8:34 pm
by Xorimuth
Entity#remove_decoratives what does "automatic" mean? Presumably it depends on the subentity? I'm particularly interested in type "car". -> Correct, documented. Cars aren't considered buildings (= no removal).
Re: Small documentation improvement requests
Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 2:10 pm
by curiosity
It is worth noting in that a list box has a built-in scroll pane and a scroll pane has a built-in vertical flow. -> Improved for the next release
Re: Small documentation improvement requests
Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:22 pm
by Pi-C
When using named keys, either amount or (amount_min and amount_max) must be set. But what happens if all are used? -> amount taking precedence noted on FluidProductPrototype and ItemProductPrototype
Moderator note: Discussion of this post was split into a separate topic:
Re: Small documentation improvement requests
Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 9:40 pm
by Xorimuth ... Entity.die it seems that 'force' should be 'optional'.
-> Fixed and added example for the next release
Re: Small documentation improvement requests
Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 10:25 pm
by Xorimuth
I'd appreciate some explanation of HighlightBoxEntity please.
Overall, when would you use this? The following are the questions that I had as I read through it and tried it out, but from experimenting it seems that it is only used to display the highlight box permanently.
Given that, is the description "Used to attach graphics to entities during runtime." really true? It seems that it is a lot more specific (and less useful) than that.
Does setting `bounding_box` in the data do anything? -> Added on
In ... ate_entity, according to the game, it must have either `target`, `source`, or `bounding_box` set, but it says that `source` is only used for 'beams'...? (It might be useful to expand on when you'd want to use `target` as well).
In the `highlight-box` specific arguments for `surface.create_entity`:
It would be useful if it stated that `bounding_box` is absolute coordinates, not relative coordinates like they are in entity data definitions.
It seems that `position` is ignored when using `bounding_box` but it has to be set anyway.
What are the meanings of `box_type` ( ... RenderType). When would you use each? Are there any examples of usage of those already in the game? EDIT it seems that they just set different colours.
Less important it could state that time_to_live and blink_interval are in ticks (presumably... I've not tested yet).
-> Fixed for the next release (finally!)
Re: Small documentation improvement requests
Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:33 am
by ickputzdirwech
Re: Small documentation improvement requests
Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 4:52 pm
by curiosity
The docs claim that LuaFlowStatistics.input_counts and output_counts are dictionaries of string to array of numbers, whereas in reality they are string to a single number.
-> Fixed for the next release.
Re: Small documentation improvement requests
Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 10:04 pm
by Honktown
remove pressure_to_speed_ratio from the example -> Fixed.
It does not exist among the prototype keys/links. It is mentioned in the example, but in the log:
Code: Select all
39.413 Warning PrototypeLoader.cpp:202: Value ROOT.fluid.<some-fluid-name>.pressure_to_speed_ratio was not used.
Boundaries for values in surface.map_gen_settings
Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 11:54 pm
by Impatient
Some time ago I ran into some undocumented behavior of surface.map_gen_settings.
It seems that a value of lower than 1/6th (0.166667) for the frequency of ore patches ( used in surface.map_gen_settings.autoplace_controls ) has no effect in game. The docs though do not state any limits as there is only a reference to MapGenSize for the type to be used.
Here is a post about what I tested and found: 84632
And here is Rseding91's assessment of the situation: 91396
It appears to be an obscure thing. Making it work for lower values would be my preferred solution, but if that is not possible, it would be nice, if the docs state the boundaries.
-> Thanks for the detailed explanation. This has been noted on the MapGenSize concept. Basically, anything that's outside the range of values the vanilla map generator offers are not guaranteed to work as expected
Re: Small documentation improvement requests
Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 4:36 am
by coderpatsy
Klonan tried fixing it but because it affects older saves it was shelved: viewtopic.php?p=540284#p540284
-> Thanks for the context!
Re: Small documentation improvement requests
Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 6:59 am
by DoubleThought
Types/IconData ( does not specify what units shift works in. I am uncertain if it's in grid coordinates, where an icon ranges from [-1, 1], or where an icon ranges from [0, 1], or where an icon ranges from [0, icon_size].
-> Documented, thank you to snouz, Honktown and posila.
Re: Small documentation improvement requests
Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 5:03 am
by Honktown
DoubleThought wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 6:59 am
Types/IconData ( does not specify what units shift works in. I am uncertain if it's in grid coordinates, where an icon ranges from [-1, 1], or where an icon ranges from [0, 1], or where an icon ranges from [0, icon_size].
Worse than all those, it's in pixels (from an origin at the center, so negative shifts are left and up, respectively). Pixels after scaling iirc.
-> Documented, thank you to snouz, Honktown and posila.
Re: Small documentation improvement requests
Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 8:09 am
by ickputzdirwech
Apparently you can use entity_create{orientation=...} for rolling stock. See 98373. But it's not documented in
PS: I wonder what else is available and not mentioned there...
-> Fixed for the next release. We're also having a look at what else is missing.