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[1.1.26] Crash (LightRenderer::loadLights)
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 1:22 pm
by thehairyvikingniels
Hi all,
My factorio game just crashed mid-game.
I was (dragging) placing belts using a blueprint.
I was unable to reproduce the crash by doing approximately the same...
Re: [1.1.26] Crash (LightRenderer::loadLights) 128MB VRAM
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:00 pm
by thehairyvikingniels
It happend again so it's not a one-off
Re: [1.1.26] Crash (LightRenderer::loadLights) 128MB VRAM
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:09 pm
by orzelek
Please be aware that minimum supported amount of VRAM is 512MB so you are not meeting minimum required specs for game.
More details in FAQ: ... quirements
Re: [1.1.26] Crash (LightRenderer::loadLights) 128MB VRAM
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:13 pm
by posila
VRAM is fine. The detected amount is mostly just reserved amount of system RAM for integrated GPU, but the iGPU can use up to half of RAM size (almost 16 GB in this case)
Anyhow, the crash is not related to the GPU
Re: [1.1.26] Crash (LightRenderer::loadLights) 128MB VRAM
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:50 pm
by posila
Can you ZIP and upload also factorio-dump-current.dmp and factorio-dump-previous.dmp, please?
Re: [1.1.26] Crash (LightRenderer::loadLights) 128MB VRAM
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 6:31 pm
by thehairyvikingniels
Of course. Here you go.
Kudos to the dev team by the way. These are my first crashes in 1300+ hours of playing!
Re: [1.1.26] Crash (LightRenderer::loadLights)
Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 4:17 pm
by posila
Thank you for the dumps. Normally, I would dismiss it as 1/0 Magic crash, due to cosmic ray hitting your HW just in the right place, as this is pretty much only occurance of this crash we have captured. But since the exact same crash happened to you twice in a row, I decided it was worth investigating.
As far as I can tell, stack pointer got corrupted sometime during execution of LightDefinition::draw() and crash happened when the function was returning to the caller (because return address at top of the stack was nonsense). In the dump-current, it was probably drawing light of a rail signal, and in dump-previous light of lamp. In both cases the stack pointer seems to be of by 0x80, which happens to be also how many bytes LightDefinition::draw() uses on stack. So possible explanation would be that when LightDefinition::draw() was doing stack cleanup before returning, CPU somehow executed the instruction that adds 0x80 to the stack pointer twice ... now that sounds like a nonsense but it is the best I got at the moment, unfortunatelly :/
Anyway, moving to 1/0 Magic and I'll keep an eye on future occurances of this crash.
Re: [1.1.26] Crash (LightRenderer::loadLights)
Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 1:25 pm
by thehairyvikingniels
I know it has been a while but I thought I might mention it:
The crashes kept happening on seemingly random times for weeks. Sometimes days would pass with no crash, a different day it would crash 3 times while playing...
Sinds I finally bought a GPU I'm no longer using my I-GPU and the crashes have disappeared.
I have no idea if this info might help but I thought any info is at least something.