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[1.1.25] Assembling machine "item ingredient shortage" & Inserter "waiting for space in destination""

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:40 pm
by ppoublan
Hi all,
Found that I have some assembling machine stop working.
Seen it with production science pack, and sometimes with military science pack.
When i build the machines, they start working, and stop after some time (it can be few minutes or hours).
If i look at why they stopped, assembling machine says "item ingredient shortage", even if there are resources in requester storage, and inserter says "out of space in destination", even if very few items are in the assembling machine.
If i delete and rebuild machines, it start again, and stop again after some time.

Here are some screenshots. 2 identical machines, one has stopped (the one on the right) and the other (on the left) is working :
assembling machines.PNG
assembling machines.PNG (491.93 KiB) Viewed 3112 times
item shortage.PNG
item shortage.PNG (494.55 KiB) Viewed 3112 times
waiting for space.PNG
waiting for space.PNG (356.2 KiB) Viewed 3112 times
requester chest.PNG
requester chest.PNG (353.09 KiB) Viewed 3112 times
I tried to limit inserter stack size to 1, it works longer, but also finished to stop loading.

the log file is attached.
Any ideas ?

Re: [1.1.25] Assembling machine "item ingredient shortage" & Inserter "waiting for space in destination""

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 2:00 pm
by Loewchen
Damaged items cannot be stacked.

Re: [1.1.25] Assembling machine "item ingredient shortage" & Inserter "waiting for space in destination""

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 2:35 pm
by ppoublan
Could you explain what should i do or change ? How can i see damaged iems ?

Re: [1.1.25] Assembling machine "item ingredient shortage" & Inserter "waiting for space in destination""

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 2:50 pm
by Loewchen
They have a bar under the icon just like repair packs. You can prevent the issue by not returning damaged items into the logistics network so they will not end up in requester chests.

Re: [1.1.25] Assembling machine "item ingredient shortage" & Inserter "waiting for space in destination""

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:05 pm
by DaleStan
How do you prevent damaged items from returning to the logistics network? Is there a way to tell your trash slots to only accept full-health items?

Re: [1.1.25] Assembling machine "item ingredient shortage" & Inserter "waiting for space in destination""

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:22 pm
by Loewchen
DaleStan wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:05 pm How do you prevent damaged items from returning to the logistics network? Is there a way to tell your trash slots to only accept full-health items?
There is no automatic way, but items don't get damaged themselves, they get damaged as entities, so if you repair all entities before deconstructing them or only remove them manually or with personal bots the issue will not arise.

Re: [1.1.25] Assembling machine "item ingredient shortage" & Inserter "waiting for space in destination""

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 8:27 pm
by astroshak
Just make sure that all your bot networks have access to Repair Packs, they should generally keep infrastructure in good repair and avoid that problem when you later on go and dismantle things.

Re: [1.1.25] Assembling machine "item ingredient shortage" & Inserter "waiting for space in destination""

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 8:45 pm
by ppoublan
Thanks a lot for all the replies. it solved my issue. I put all my rails on ground and let them be repaired by bots.