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[kovarex] [1.1.21] color picker button cannot fully be pressed

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 4:37 pm
by Zanostra
When opening a train stop window by clicking a train stop, in the top right corner there are 2 things.
The preview color of this specific train stop, and a button to change this color.
This button is not clickable over the entire area.
The upper 1/3 part of the button doesn't make it yellow when hovering the mouse there, and also doesn't give the RGB sliders when clicked there.
the lower 2/3 part of the button works as expected.
colorpicker.png (36.52 KiB) Viewed 2205 times

Re: [kovarex] [1.1.21] color picker button cannot fully be pressed

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 8:08 pm
by kovarex
Thanks for the report, it is now fixed for the next version.