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Feature Request: Special case for factorio 1.1 train limit

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 2:31 am
by Xerkus
Currently LTN does not use train limits introduced in 1.1 and it should not as they generally serve different role.

However, I would like to request a special case for the train limit set to 0:
When train limit for the station is set 0, make LTN ignore station for the purposes of generating new deliveries.
This is different from disabling station via signal since trains that are already en-route to that station will arrive as usual.

Trains dispatched by LTN which did not leave previous station will get "destination full" condition and will block the station they currently at. This is fine, but new deliveries should not be dispatched since they will cause blockage.

Re: Feature Request: Special case for factorio 1.1 train limit

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 3:58 am
by Xerkus
Noticed interesting use of the temporary stop. With train limit those temporary stops can have dangerous effect.

Say, I have station with limit set to 1. Some train is en-route to that station, so limit is consumed. At the same time LTN dispatches train which travels to the temporary stop right in front of the station and only then it would stop with "Destination full".
In effect, train that was going to that station can't reach it because path is blocked by LTN train and LTN train can't go because limit is exhausted. So, we got deadlock.

Re: Feature Request: Special case for factorio 1.1 train limit

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 7:14 am
by Optera
I don't plan on completely rewriting LTN to incorporate base train limits.

If base limits don't work for you, simply don't use them.

Re: Feature Request: Special case for factorio 1.1 train limit

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 7:53 am
by Nosferatu
Maybe I'm to coutious but I generally never send normal trains to Ltn stations.
Mixing 2 systems always asks for unforeseen consequences.
And if you don't mix you can use the trainlimit provided by Ltn