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not a bug, but something a little bit annoying

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:36 am
by aRatNamedSammy
im not always playing full screen. i just made a little mistake, so i notice that little thing.
ok, normaly , when you clic on the X button at the upper right of windows , it close the game without saving or warning.
i was talking with a friend on facebook, then closed the google windows, but i double clic on the X (my mistake) and closed factorio at the same time :shock: ... DOH!!!
:o DOH!!! fortunatly autosave was on, so last save was 7-8 minutes before... :roll: oufff!!!
i guest the only way to avoid it is to not play windowed :(

Re: not a bug, but something a little bit annoying

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:11 pm
by quinor
Maybye move to ideas/suggestions after some proper post edit?

Re: not a bug, but something a little bit annoying

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 6:53 am
by MF-
turn your story into a proper suggestion / bug report
and get a meaningful title saying what's this all about.

words that might help you:
Game does not save / ask for saving when its window is closed. Via X in its corner, I mean.