After a train took an absurdly long path, I noticed that adding a single curved track would fix the issue. When I went to place the track, clicking to place causes a crash. If I remove the signal circled on my screenshot, there is no crash.
I tried to reproduce by creating a similar track structure in the editor, but there the chain signal correctly went to disconnected state.
Re: [1.1.13] Crash when placing track
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 12:49 am
by fencing_elf
I disabled mods and created a blueprint of the relevant rail section. Placing the blueprint then attempting to place the curve caused the crash.
I was actually wondering what is causing the most prominent crash report, as we didn't have any forum bug reports related to it and as I couldn't reproduce it or figure out what exactly went wrong.
But I made a blind fix for the 1.1.14 by cleaning up some non-standard piece of old code that had potential to break something in the hopes that it might make it go away.
But with your report and a reproducer, I was able to confirm, that the blind fix actually works, so it can be official