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[VI] Vietnamese translation completed question

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:56 am
by progammer
So I just found out about the game 2 weeks ago (words of mouth). Bought it, loved it and immediately wanted to contribute something. Modmaking seems too exhausting so I decided to translate the game.

It's basically completed sans some decisions about whether some words needs to be translated or to be borrowed in english (It is sometimes neater to borrow words, and we do commonly used a lot of borrowed words like radar, laser etc...)

Anyway, I've got 2 questions:

- What is the current version of the game on crowdin ? I assume as new version is released, its string will be automatically be on crowdin, but which version is it now ? Stable or Experimental ? Can we have a little note on the about page on crowdin ?

- How to test the translated locale in the game ? I'm aware that there's a guide back when github is in use, but with crowdin, is there anything more aside from downloading and converting .ini to .cfg ?

Edit: Also, any questions, issues related to my translation/vietnamese translation can goes in this thread as well

Re: [VI] Vietnamese translation completed question

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 12:58 pm
by Cordylus
I saw all your translation work. Great job!

The translation version is usually the version of the newest experimental build. I think your work should be now in the 0.11.20

Re: [VI] Vietnamese translation completed question

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:27 am
by progammer
Cordylus wrote:I saw all your translation work. Great job!

The translation version is usually the version of the newest experimental build. I think your work should be now in the 0.11.20
Thanks, I also just realized that fully translated locale automatically get added to next experimental build. Time to test!