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[Oxyd] Enemies target indestructible spider-vehicles

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 9:38 am
by PFQNiet
Enemies have logic that makes them not attack indestructible things, which makes sense. It gets a bit weird when it comes to vehicles (they will attack an indestructible car driven by a destructible player, but then they stay locked on the car even if the player gets out and starts shooting them), but in the case of spider-vehicles they just blindly attack it.

To test, just drop a Spidertron, hover it and run

Code: Select all

/c game.player.selected.destructible = false
Now use a spider remote to drive it into an enemy base and watch it pull all the aggro, allowing you to run up and shoot freely if you want.

I've "fixed" this in my mod by having it destructible, but resisting all damage 100%, and then when an enemy attacks it, the attacker receives a command to "wait" - overwriting the attack command. Not perfect but at least they don't fixate any more.

Re: [Oxyd] Enemies target indestructible spider-vehicles

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 4:27 pm
by Oxyd
Thanks, should be fixed in 1.1.6.