Resize Right hand UI
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:30 am
Please resize or make adjustable the right hand UI elementWhat ?
The right hand UI normally shows all the things that you have in the logistic network, when hovering over a LN-chest.Since there is more and more information from version to version, that no longer works (at least at my screen size), because there's too less vertical space to fit in all icons (See image).
I think there are three ways to make it work again:
- increase horizontal size
- put scrollbar to the list of items if exceeding the vertical size or
- make the whole UI element adjustable in size by user
Why ?
Well, one important thing when looking at the items in a logistic network is to get an idea what is missing (the -x items) and they're at the end of the list.If you have various different items in your network (as at homebase), it's impossible to see what's low or missing because the information is just not readable.
The change I mentioned would give the players back the information.
I know I can change UI-scale for the whole game, but below 100% it nearly unplayable (for me, 15" screen 1920x1080)