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[1.1.3] Misaligned selection tool icons when dragging from right to left

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 11:46 pm
by raiguard
When dragging a selection tool from right to left, there is a large gap between the cursor and the start of the item icons. The gap increases in size proportionally to the number of icons it's showing.
2020-11-30 16_44_13-Factorio 1.1.3.png
2020-11-30 16_44_13-Factorio 1.1.3.png (885.72 KiB) Viewed 1973 times
To reproduce

- Load any world with a lot of entities
- Make a selection from right-to-left with any selection tool
- Observe the large gap

Re: [1.1.3] Misaligned selection tool icons when dragging from right to left

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 12:26 am
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report. It's now fixed for the next release.